Te Ohaki a Hine National Network ending sexual violence together 2006 invited to become part of a developing Network Made up of community/Treaty based Two Houses/Nga Kaitiaki Mauri o TOAHNNEST/Tau Iwi Caucus TOAHNNEST Pathway forward for Kaupapa Maori Taskforce for action to elemonate sexual violence
RELATIONSHIP STRUCTURE OF TOAH-NNEST Te Mai a TOAH-NNEST Te Roopu Whakahaere Tauiwi Caucus House TC Pae Takawaenga Nga Kaitiaki Mauri POU AWHA NKM Pae Takawaenga Marae Atea Te kawa o TOAH-NNEST TOAH-NNEST Relationship Agreement Te Tiriti o Waitangi RELATIONSHIP STRUCTURE OF TOAH-NNEST
TE MAI A TOAH-NNEST Nga Kaitiaki Mauri P O U A WHA NGA KAITIAKI MAURI Te Roopu Whakahaere NKM Pae Takawaenga
TE ROOPU WHAKAHAERE RESPONSIBILITIES SKILLS REQUIRED - Sign off for funding applications - Development of financial policies for TOAH-NNEST - Legally accountable - Keeping of financial records - Archiving of NKM list of beneficiaries - Negotiation within TOAH-NNEST Te Tiriti Relationship to ensure equitable allocation of funding - Responsible to NKM beneficiaries SKILLS REQUIRED - --- A member of NKM and representation on either NKM Pae and/or Pou Awha - Creative understanding of NKM o Te Ohaakii a Hine - Experience with funding applications - Financial accountability (clear record) - Ability to negotiate within a Te Tiriti o Waitangi Relationship and with other stakeholders - Time commitment - Clear understanding of TOAH-NNEST Tiriti Agreement Relationship Document
KAWENGA A TIKANGA NKM representation on Te Roopu Whakahaere will consist of; 2 NKM Pae representatives and 1 Pou Awha representative who is also a NKM member Nominations and expressions to Te Roopu Whakahaere must be passed through a hui held between the NKM Pae Takawaenga members and Pou Awha members. The Te Roopu Wharehaere will be administered by the NKM coordinator and NKM administrator who shall not be a member of Te Roopu Whakahaere.