AP English Language and Composition 2016-2017 In which ways is this slide symbolic? AP English Language and Composition 2016-2017
Fall Connotations
Winter Connotations
Spring Connotations
Summer Connotations
Flash Cards WRITE YOUR INITIALS IN INK IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER OF ALL OF YOUR FLASH CARDS If you’d like, you might want to label or number your cards as you separate them, in case you’d like them in order again at some point Sort your cards into two stacks: I know this (I know the term, its definition, how to identify it in context, and how to explain its purposeful use by an author) I don’t know this THEN – separate this stack into two stacks: I kind of know this I really don’t know this Brainstorm a variety of ways you could use your flash cards. Compare your list with a classmate and add to each others’ strategies.
Test Prep Book Verify that your book is for AP English Language and Composition, and that it is from 2011 or later, and that it is not written in to the point of uselessness Look at the table of contents. Orient yourself to the organization of the material Use post-it notes (etc.) to tab your study book in a way that makes sense to you. I recommend identifying the major categories of content (introductory information, diagnostics, practice tests, review strategies…) and then subdividing as needed Take some time to scan through the intro information