Thomas Woolf AIS Bureau Chief Montana’s Aquatic Invasive Species Program Thomas Woolf AIS Bureau Chief
Mussel Detection in Montana 2016 Invasive mussel veligers detected in Tiber & Canyon Ferry Reservoirs in November 2016. Governor Bullock declares a Natural Resource Emergency. Incident Command put in place to support containment response and to elevate Montana’s AIS program.
Program Changes Mandatory inspection for watercraft leaving Tiber and Canyon Ferry Reservoirs. Mandatory inspection for watercraft entering the state and crossing the Continental Divide. Funding identified ($13 million over 2 years) Increase inspection stations (Over 40 in MT). Expanded AIS early detection monitoring. Expanded AIS outreach / education.
Goals and Objectives Better target risk of AIS transport. Expedite low-risk watercraft. Engage and involve partners: Inspection, monitoring and outreach. Standardize protocols. Utilize the same materials and same data app. Improve quality control. Expand inspection season and hours of operation.
Where are we now?
Watercraft Inspection 2018 Over 109,000 inspections 47,000 non-motorized. 10,000 of those from Glacier. 16 Mussel fouled vessels 17 in 2017. Contracted stations. CSKT, Blackfeet, Missoula County, Garfield CD. Other partner stations. Glacier, Bighorn NRA, Whitefish Lake Expanded hours / season. Electronic data collection.
Monitoring 2018 Over 2,100 plankton tow samples collected and analyzed for mussel early detection. Divers, snorkeling, substrate and shoreline surveys on Tiber and Canyon Ferry. No zebra/quagga mussel detections. Tiber eDNA: Negative for mussels. New monitoring data collection app. Expanded partner involvement with survey and sample collection New faucet Snail detection in Lake Francis.
Mussel Early Detection Samples Collected by Year
Outreach 2018 TV, radio, print and online outreach. Improved signage Targeted efforts to specific user groups. Irrigators and agriculture. Provide tools to partners to help deliver message.
See Something, Say Something
Proposed Changes 2019 Evaluating entire program: Implementing changes to make it more effective and efficient. Evaluating moving Thompson Falls and Dena Mora. Closing Lincoln. Expanded hours. Seek expanded partner participation for station operation. Expand partner participation with monitoring and outreach. Added 310 Permit Language. Future funding unclear.
What can I do to help? Help educate folks on the issue. Inform clients about the issue. Ensure gear is clean. Promote Clean Drain Dry. Be on the lookout for AIS. Weedy1
AIS Outreach FWP can provide Outreach materials. Can help design AIS outreach that fits your needs. Training on AIS species ID. Seeking to expand AIS early detection in the state. Looking for AIS education opportunities.