In one word please men in those pictures, what does it mean to be the HEAD of the HOME. Matthew Ekikere. Tito Dave Justin Timothy Carlos Jan Edward. Vincent. Jerfel Alain Henry
How many problems would be fixed at home and in the family if men the head of the family, fully understood his God given roll in the family. Men, do we truly understand the blessing that God has put IN OUR HANDS? Do we, do You? Is truly a real blessing because God has trusted in your hands : A beautiful woman, children, a family that will need protection and care from you, this family that now you are forming!
Remember: Society is broken, society cannot teach us morality, society cannot teach God’s Word, society cannot teach in our homes! God instituted the home – (Gen 2:18-24) God has given rules for each member of the home to follow – (Deut 6:6-25; Eph 6:1-4; Tit 2:4) We must look to God’s word for the role a husband and father has in the home – (Not to television or pop psychologist!) - (Eph 6:4)
To leave father and mother – Mat 19:5,6 To cleave, (NKJV: “be joined) to his wife – Mat 19:5,6; Eph 5:31 To be head of his wife as Christ is head over His bride the church – Eph 5:23 To be faithful to his wife – Heb 13:4; Job 31:1; Mt. 5:28-29
To love his wife - Eph 5:23-33 To dwell with his wife with understanding - providing for her needs - 1 Peter 3:7 Respect - 1 Pet. 3:7 Physical - 1 Tim 5:8; 1 Pet 3:7 Intellectual - 1 Pet 3:7; Sexual - 1 Cor. 7:1-4 Emotional – 1 Pet 3:7 Spiritual – 1 Pet 3:7; Eph 5:25
Responsible for providing leadership & direction - As Abraham – (Gen 18:19) As Joshua – (Josh 24:15) Spiritual leader – (3:18-21; 1 Thes 2:8-12; 1 Tim 3:5) Eli punished – (1 Sam 3:13) Every Family Needs- Rules Plans Goals Duties Direction Discipline
Physical needs!!! - Genesis 3:17-19; 1 Timothy 5:8 Problems- Needs vs. wants (Pr 15:17) - Laziness (Pr. 20:13) - Pleasure (Pr. 21:17) - Debt (Pr. 22:7) There is more to being the man of the house than a paycheck. Teaching - Example – Time – Love - (Col 3:18-21)
God instituted the home – (Gen 2:18-24) God has given rules for each member of the home to follow – (Deut 6:6-25; Eph 6:1-4; Tit 2:4) We must look to God’s word for the role a husband and father has in the home - Not Television or pop psychologist! (Eph 6:4)
The man is to be the head of the home!! With both physical & spiritual responsibilities! When a father neglects his responsibilities in the home he neglects his sacred duty which could have eternal consequences for MANY besides himself!! It takes courage to be a REAL MAN!! There will be many trials, challenges and disappointments - but only a REAL GOD FEARING MAN will experience the joys in this life that will translate into joys for all eternity!!!!!
Are you truly the HEAD of your HOME?