Organic Poultry certification “Keeping the Family on the Farm” by Ib Hagsten, Ph.D., CAC Independent Organic Inspector
Let’s talk about organic poultry production certification
Organic Integrity The organic inspector’s role on the farm -- on behalf of the NOP (National Organic Program) -- is to “be the eyes and ears on the farm” verifying the wonderful management activities the producer diligently performs and the areas where he/she needs to further implement the standards. Maintaining and documenting the organic integrity every step of the way is what the NOP program assures the consuming public.
§205.236 Origin of Poultry The poultry or edible products under continuous organic management starting with day-old chicks Producer must maintain records to preserve identity of all certified organically-managed animals or birds and their eggs & of edible meat products produced
§205.237 Livestock Feed Provide ration of organically produced & handled feed Do not use drugs, hormones, poultry by-products ... nor unapproved feed additives or supplements ...
§205.238 Livestock Health (1) Select species suitable for site-specific conditions and with resistance to prevalent diseases and parasites Provide feed to meet nutritional needs Establish appropriate housing/pasture Provide sanitation to minimize spread of diseases & parasites Maintain bio-security measures
§205.238 Livestock Health (2) Provide conditions that allow exercise, freedom of movement, and reduction of stress Administer appropriate vaccines
§205.238 Livestock Health (3) When preventative practices do not prevent sickness, producer may administer synthetic medication Producer must NOT withhold medical treatment from a sick bird in effort to preserve its organic status Birds treated with prohibited substances MUST be clearly identified & NOT sold as organic
§205.239 Living Conditions (1) Accommodate health & natural bird behavior Suitable for stage of production, climate, environment Without the birds being able to reach treated lumber
§205.239 Living Conditions (2) Access to: Outdoors Shelter &/or shade Exercise area Fresh air Fresh water
§205.271 Pest Management Remove pest habitat, food source & breeding areas Manage temperature, light, humidity & air circulation to prevent pest production Pests may be controlled thru mechanical, physical control, or by repellants on NOP list
§205.306 Labeling of Feeds Use feeds carrying USDA/NOP seal including “Certified Organic by ...” Make sure you receive organic feed
§205.272 Re: Commingling Producer must implement measures to prevent commingling of organic and non-organic products
§205.400 Certification Requirements (1) Comply with NOP organic production and/or handling regulations Establish, implement, update annually an organic production/handling system plan & submit it to an organic accredited certifying agent Undergo an on-site inspection prior to starting birds & annually thereafter
§205.400 Certification Requirements (2) Permit on-site inspections with complete access to the operation, including non-certified production areas Maintain all records applicable for not less than 5 years Submit applicable fees charged by certifying agent Immediately notify the certifying agent of any application or drift of prohibited substances on field, facility, or birds
§205.401 Application for Certification Applicant must submit an application for certification to the certifying agent ... Obtain specific form(s) from your selected certifier
One final differentiation ... Why organic vs. natural? “Natural” refers to a set of conditions with “back-to- nature” and limited chemical input preferences Organic means adherence to a national uniform set of standards for ecologically-friendly, chemical-free, management-intensive agricultural production, where every stage of the production/handling is inspected by certified inspectors working on behalf of USDA/NOP accredited certifying agents
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