Welcome to LSI
Introductions Your instructors Head instructor: Kelly Holman Co-instructor: Taz Hartwick Co-instructor: Kyle Lindsay
Expectation of students In order to complete this course successfully 100% attendance is required all assignments must be completed active participation is highly recommended
Ice Breakers! Lets get to know each other!
Aims of the course The lifesaving society aims to prepare skilled, knowledgeable and committed teacher of lifesaving. The goals of this course are, therefore: To increase and enhance knowledge concerning learners and the learning process (specifically the learning of aquatic skills that are useful in lifesaving) To explore the teaching process To emphasize, through actual experiences and examples, appropriate teaching approaches for the lifesaving society program Ti develop an understanding of the principles on which the lifesaving Society program is based To provide the experience of positive instructor qualities and attitudes that emphasize leadership skills
Objectives of course candidates Why are you here? Have nothing better to do on a weekend?
Objectives of course candidates Why are you here? Have nothing better to do on a weekend? What are you willing to put in? What are you trying to get out of this?
Course Schedule and Content
Expectation of course In order to complete this course successfully, we will need to see: Participation Leadership (attitude, maturity, cooperation, initiative & communication) Preparation (reading assignments, lesson planning Evaluation (self, peers, course conductors & course)
Evaluation process The evaluation process for this course will be comprised of five areas: Your Teaching Your ability to evaluate yourself and improve and evaluation of others Knowledge Leadership Safety Supervision