Constitution Word Definition Picture Sentence The written document that states a set of rules that guides how our country is ran. Constitution Judges use the Constitution when they make important decisions.
howling Word Definition Picture Sentence Very great The school car wash was a howling success.
humble Word Definition Picture Sentence Modest, not proud The young boys were humble when they received their award.
politics Word Definition Picture Sentence The work of government If you want a life in politics, you must win the public’s trust.
responsiblity Word Definition Picture Sentence the act of taking care of someone or something; obligation/duty responsiblity Taking care of a puppy is a big responsibility.
solemnly Word Definition Picture Sentence seriously; with dignity Mr. Brooks solemnly saluted the flag.
vain Word Definition Picture Sentence having too much pride in your looks, or abilities vain The model was a very vain person and difficult to work with.