The Glt Simulation Valerie Halyo
Design L1Atime Dct Emt L1FctPrescale Glti L1GltTickDelay L1GltMatchCombine L1FctDigiMaker L1GltCountObject L1GltDAQData L1GltDecision L1GltDigiMaker L1GltInputMaker L1GltSelectTrigger
Glt Algorithm The GltSim follows the hardware closely It attempts to match the spatial and angular location of calorimeter towers and DCH tracks. This results in 24 trigger lines which are sent to the FcsSim to issue the L1Atime The 9 primitives are: A B Ap M E G X Y U The Match and Combine Objects are: AM BM ApM BMX EM A* B* M* G*
The Clocks Emt Clk4 ->Clk8 Clk8 ->Clk16 Blt Clk8 Glti TSF Zpd Clk4 ->Clk8 Clk8 ->Clk4
Glt LUT Configuration The Glt is configured from the DB for more than 2 years now L1GltConfigP_001 LineConfigP New code to generate the lut is moved to L1GltOnline and used by the online/offline(sim) Online: The Glt Lut is generated on the fly using the Base lut bin file & the config pars from the DB->xtc Offline: Base lut is generated on the fly & the config pars from the DB
Glt Lut Luts were tested on and offline the results are identical Plan: have the base lut online generated on the fly as in the offline
Comparison Data/trgDC/NewSim Using May2004 configuration Input Tick HAD events
Comparison Data/trgDC/NewSim Using May2004 configuration Object Count HAD events
Comparison Data/trgDC/NewSim Using May2004 configuration BunchT0s HAD events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using May2004 configuration Input Tick BhaBha events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using May2004 configuration Object Count BhaBha events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using May2004 configuration BunchT0 BhaBha events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using May2004 configuration Input tick Mu events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using May2004 configuration Object Count Mu events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using May2004 configuration BunchT0 Mu events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using Apr2005 configuration Input tick HAD events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using Apr2005 configuration Object Count HAD events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using Apr2005 configuration BunchT0 HAD events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using Apr2005 configuration Input Tick BhaBha events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using Apr2005 configuration Bunch T0 BhaBha events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using Apr2005 configuration Input Tick Mu events
Comparison Data/NewSim Using Apr2005 configuration Bunch T0 Mu events
Comparison L1Sim++/trgDC Using May2004 configuration Tau Events
Comparison L1Sim++/trgDC Using May2004 configuration Bunch T0 trgDC Tau Events
Board Algorithm test We have two keys with PTD/ZPD configuration The keys are Main problem this is private code since commiting Will create conflicts it depends on the L1DctTeststand code
Tcl parameters The input delays in the Glti are set with tcls parameters and a switch depending if ZPD/PTD are going to be used The time adjustment for the the DAQ window
Conclusion/Plan The code will be tested against the Glt calibration in the teststand Final 1 tick aligment of the Glt Blt inputs