> Other ways to navigate space Advanced Movement > Other ways to navigate space
Understanding Energy Your Ship has a finite amount of energy It automatically regains 4 energy per second Each command may have an initial energy cost required to execute AND an ongoing cost to continue to perform the operation If you ship runs out of energy while performing a command, it will stop executing the command
AllStopCommand new AllStopCommand() Executes Immediately Immediately Stops Your Ship (Good thing your ship doesn’t have a crew…) Costs 40 Energy + Half Your Health
STEER new SteerCommand(int degrees) new SteerCommand(int degrees, boolean block) degrees = Number of degrees to adjust course heading block = indicates if the command should block or not (defaults to true) Blocking or Non-Blocking Command Adjusts your Movement Direction by the indicated number of degrees Does not adjust your orientation If you are not moving, this command will have no effect Costs 4 Energy Per Second
Warp new WarpCommand() new WarpCommand(double distance) distance = amount to travel (up to 400) in current orientation’s direction Blocking Command At least 1 second warm-up before warp commences Warps to a Random Location (no arguments) 5 second cooldown Warps in the direction of your orientation the given distance (up to 400) 1 second per 50 distance requested to warp cooldown Costs 10 Energy + Costs 9 Energy Per Second