Goa State ICDS Annual Programme Implementation Plan (APIP) for 2012-13
The State of Goa Districts:- 2 Nos. 1) North Goa; and 2) South Goa Talukas/Tehsils – 12 Nos. ICDS Projects – 11 Nos.
Population (As per 2011 Census) Total - 14.57 lakhs Male – 7.40 lakhs; and Female – 7.17 lakhs Rural – 5.51 lakhs North Goa – 3.25 lakhs; and South Goa – 2.26 lakhs Urban- 9.06 lakhs North Goa – 4.93 lakhs; and South Goa – 4.13 lakhs SC population – 0.53 lakhs ST population – 2.01 lakhs 0-6 years population– 1.39 lakhs Female literacy rate – 81.84% Rural–76.84 %; and Urban–84.96%
Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) This centrally sponsored scheme is implemented in the State through the 11 CDPO Offices/ICDS Projects covering health and functional literacy for adult women and children in the age group of 0-6years. Under this programme a package of 6 services viz. 1) supplementary nutrition, 2) immunization, 3) health check-up, 4) referral services, 5) non-formal pre-school education and 6) nutrition & health education are provided to children in the age group of 0-6 years as well as to pregnant and nursing mothers through a well knit network of 1262 Anganwadi Centres. The benefits of the ICDS scheme are made available to all beneficiaries irrespective of their financial status.
Organizational Structure of ICDS Secretary Women and Child Development Director District Programme Officer, North cum Programme Officer Child Development Project Officers (CDPOs) North Goa (6 Nos.) Mukhya Sevikas Anganwadi Workers Anganwadi Helpers District Programme Officer, South South Goa (5 Nos.)
ICDS Convergence with other Departments 1) Health Department Under ICDS Scheme services like immunization, referral services and health check up is undertaken with the help of Directorate of Health Services. 2) Education Department Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan under Education Department provides Pre- school kit to all the Anganwadi Centres and has conducted various courses to train AWWs on pre-school non-formal education.
ICDS Convergence with other Departments 3) Public Works Department Under Total Sanitation Campaign this Directorate is associated with Public Works Department for construction of toilets for AWCs under Nirmal Gram Yojana in the State. Construction of new buildings/premises for AWCs: 30 AWCs have been constructed and construction of another 28 AWCs is in progress. Besides PWD, construction of 12 AWCs was taken through Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation (GSIDC) and construction of 6 AWCs is in progress. 4) Village Panchayat Local Panchayat bodies are very active in organizing various activities/programmes at the level of AWC. Presently 71 Anganwadi Centres are running in the premises made available by local Village Panchayats. Besides, some of the local Panchayats are also contributing towards payment of rent for Anganwadi premises, over and above Rs. 200/- being provided by Govt. of India.
State’s Contribution towards ICDS There are 11 ICDS Projects sanctioned in the State. State Government is contributing its 10% share as per GoI norms for implementation of the scheme in the State.
State’s Contribution towards ICDS Supplementary Nutrition In the Year 2008-09 State Government increased its share to provide quality food with required calories and proteins as under: Sr. No. Category (GoI norms) State & Central (50:50) State additional share Total 1 Malnourished Children Rs. 3.00 + Rs. 3.00 per child / day Rs. 3.00 Rs. 9.00 2 Normal Children Rs. 2.00 + Rs. 2.00 per child/ day Rs. 1.00 Rs. 5.00 3 Pregnant & Lactating Mother Rs. 2.50 + Rs. 2.50 per benef./ day Rs. 8.00
State’s Contribution towards ICDS Contribution for honorarium to AWWs/AWHs Besides Government of India provision, State Government is contributing towards honorarium of the Anganwadi Workers & Helpers, as under: A. Structure of honorarium to Anganwadi Workers Service / Years Govt. of India contribution Govt. of Goa Total Honorarium Matric Non-Matric 5 Yrs. 3000 2938 2752 6000 5690 5-10 3031 2969 3400 3119 6431 6088 10-15 3063 3800 3486 6863 6486 15-20 4000 3664 7063 6664 20 & above 4200 3816 7263 6816
Govt. of India contribution B. Structure of honorarium to Anganwadi Helpers Besides, the State Government has also formulated “Retirement Benefit scheme for Anganwadi Workers/Helpers” in the year 2009. Under the scheme, the AWWs/AWHs who attain the age of 60 years are paid an amount of Rs.2.00 lakhs and Rs.1.00 lakhs, respectively. Service/Years Govt. of India contribution Govt. of Goa contribution Total Honorarium 0-5 Yrs. 1500 1700 3200 5-10 1900 3400 10-15 2100 3600 15-20 2200 3700 20 & above 2300 3800
Anganwadi Centres in the State Total – 1262 Nos. Rented – 1026 Nos. Own – 236 Nos. • Construction of new buildings/premises for 34 AWCs is in progress. Own Funds : 28 NABARD : 6 • All AWCs have been provided LPG Connections; Medicine kits; Pre-school education kits, Weighing Scales, WHO New Growth Monitoring Register, Mother & Child Health Card (MCP) and Raincoats to the children attending AWCs.
Training infrastructure Proposed Training to Anganwadi Workers & Helpers for the year 2012-13 Sr. No. ICDS Functionaries No. of Batches Training Total Job Training Refresher Training 1 Anganwadi Workers 4 140 5 250 390 2 Anganwadi Helpers -- 7 350 600 740 Achievement -Training to Anganwadi Workers & Helpers as on 30/09/2012 (2012-13) Sr. No. ICDS Functionaries No. of Batches Training Total Job Training Refresher Training 1 Anganwadi Workers 35 5 247 282 2 Anganwadi Helpers -- 50 297 332
Supplementary Nutrition Beneficiaries Population as per AWW’s survey register No. of beneficiaries Target for current FY Unit cost Budgetary requirement for current FY (Rs. in Lakh) Means of verification (MPRs/UCs) Children 6 months – 3 yrs 60407 33653 35000 Rs. 4/- + Rs. 1/- 525.00 MPRs Children 3-6 yrs 58444 17874 20000 300.00 Pregnant Women 7865 7105 8000 Rs. 5/- + Rs. 3/- 192.00 Lactating mothers (with children below 6 months) 9273 8468 9000 216.00 Total 1233.00
Type of Supplementary Nutrition Type of food 6 months to 2 1/2 years (Items in detail) 2 1/2 years to 6 years P & L Women Take Home Ration (THR) Moongdal, Masurdal, Green peas / vatana, Gram dal, Rice, Ragi. (food supplement of 500 calories and 12-15 gm protein per child and in case of malnourished child 800 calories of energy and 20-25 gm of protein is provided as per revised nutritional and feeding norms) -- Moong, Green peas / Vatana, Chana dal, Masur , Jaggery , Pure Ghee, Rice, Ragi. (food supplement of 600 calories and 18-20 gm protein per beneficiary is provided as per revised nutritional and feeding norms) Morning Snacks/ Nasta Mix Ladu / Moog Usal / Sweet Idli / (sweet mangane) / Mixed Vegetable Roti / Sweet Green Pole or Dosa / Groundnut Chikki. (food supplement of 500 calories and 12-15 gm protein per child is provided as per revised nutritional and feeding norms) Hot Cooked Meal
Achievement under the SNP is as on 30/09/2012 for 2012-13 Year Targeted for 2012-13 Upto Sept. 2012 Beneficiaries covered under SNP 65000 67082 0-6 years Children – 51394 Pregnant & Lactating Mothers – 15688 Severely Malnourished Children’s – 91 (The average total children in 0-6 years category is 40 per AWCs and 12 pregnant and lactating mothers per AWCs). Pre School Education Item/Year No. of Children's 3-6 years as per AWWs survey register Targeted for 2012-13 Upto Sept. 2012 No. of 3-6 yrs children’s attended PSE 60156 23000 17315
Growth Monitoring and Promotion Age Group No. of children as enrolled at AWCs No. of children weighed Nutrition Status (as per WHO New Growth Standards) (a) Normal (in %) (b)Moderately underweight (in %) (c)Severely underweight (in %) Means of Verification (MPRs/ASRs) Below 3 yrs Normal - 42125 Moderately Malnourished - 9178 Severely Malnourished - 91 MPRs Boys 16788 15527 Girls 17006 16353 Total 33794 31880 3-6 yrs 10995 9894 10158 9620 21153 19514
No. of AWCs received & provided Vit-A Immunization No. of AWCs received & provided Vit-A Target for the FY 2012-13 (Estimated no. of children aged 12 months who will be fully immunized during the year) Achievements 1262 10000 8491 Health Check-ups Medicine kits @ Rs.600/- are being provided every year to each AWC.
Nutrition and Health Days Information, Education and Communication (IEC) Monitoring & Evaluation No. of AWCs operational Average no. of AWCs reported conducting monthly NHDs during the year Percentage of AWCs conducted NHDs during the year Target for the FY (# AWCs to be covered for monthly NHDs) Means of Verification (MPRs/ASRs 1262 100% MPRs No. of operational AWCs No. of AWCs supplied IEC materials during the year No. of AWCs carried out any IEC campaign during the year Estimated Budgetary requirement for the FY Means of Verification (UCs) 1262 Nil Rs. 12.62 lakhs MPRs No. of operational AWCs No. of AWCs having revised records and registers No. of Blocks using IT for MIS No. of review meetings held at the state level during past year Estimated Budgetary requirement for the FY (@Rs.500/- per AWC/year) Means of Verification (MPRs/ASRs/UCs) 1262 Nil 6.31 lakhs MPRS
Expenditure under ICDS Scheme as on 30/09/2012 Budget Allocation Releases made by the Central Expenditure Central State Total Central Share State Share ICDS 1238.50 136.08 1374.58 560.82 607.365 67.485 674.85 SNP 420.00 840.00 314.32 107.02 214.04 STRAP 10.00 1.00 11.00 5.42 0.00 Wheat Based Nutrition Programme (WBNP) Sr. No. Food grains Allocation (2012-13) Remarks Wheat Rice 1 294 MTs 319 MTs 219 MTs 216 MTs 1st Quarter 2 Nil Ni 2nd Quarter 3 3rd Quarter
Budgetary requirements Sr. No. Programme Component Financial (Rs. in Lakhs) (2012-13) Expenditure Upto 30/09/2012 1 Human Resources Salary 1154.60 668.99 2 Administration Cost Rent (Office + AWCs) Hiring of Vehicles POL Contingency 52.75 4.30 8.70 6.30 0.67 0.60 0.96 3.63 3 Supplementary Nutrition (50:50) 1233.00 214.04 4 Procurement PSE Kits (@ Rs.1000/- X 1262) Medicine Kits (@ Rs.600/- X 1262) Weighing Scales (@ Rs.800/- X 612) Computers/Printers Almirah/ Storage box/ Utensil, etc 12.62 7.58 4.90 3.60 31.10 Nil 5 Training & Capacity Building 10.00
Budgetary requirements Sr. No. Programme Component Financial (Rs. in Lakhs) (2012-13) Expenditure Upto 30/09/2012 6 IEC 15.00 Nil 7 Monitoring & Evaluation 6.31 8 Others Uniform to AWWs & AWHs Flexi Funds at AWCs (@ Rs.1000/- X 1262) 21.00 12.62 Total 2584.38 888.89
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