Hypermasculinity Hypermasculinity, sociological term denoting exaggerated forms of masculinity, virility, and physicality. Scholars have suggested that there are three distinct characteristics associated with the hypermasculine personality: (1) the view of violence as manly, (2) the perception of danger as exciting and sensational, and (3) callous behavior toward women and a regard toward emotional displays as feminine. Hypermasculine archetypes abound in the mass media, especially action films. They usually feature a strong, silent hero who exhibits no emotion as he dispatches his enemies. A female lead character with exaggerated “feminine” qualities is often added to accentuate the masculine traits of the hero.
Can you think of examples of characters or famous people who seem to fit this description? Write a 2 paragraph journal entry describing at least one person who exhibits traits of hypermasculinity. Be sure to provide a lot of evidence showing how your characterization of them as hypermasculine is likely accurate. Look at your notes about characterization to help you recall what to think about when attempting to analyze and evaluate characterization.