Science SKILLS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Scales Labels Units Plotting 1. We can use SLUP to help us construct graphs. What does SLUP stand for? answer Scales Labels Units Plotting
2. What is missing from this bar chart? 7 6 answer Eye Colour Number of pupils Grey 3 Brown 6 Blue 7 Green 2 5 4 3 2 1 Labels Grey Brown Blue Green
3. What is missing from this bar chart? No. of pupils answer Eye Colour Number of pupils Grey 3 Brown 6 Blue 7 Green 2 Scale Grey Brown Blue Green Eye colour
4. What is wrong with this bar chart? 7 No. of pupils 6 answer Eye Colour Number of pupils Grey 3 Brown 6 Blue 7 Green 2 5 4 3 2 1 Bars for grey and blue are incorrectly drawn Grey Brown Blue Green Eye colour
5. What is wrong with this graph? 7 No. of pupils 6 answer Eye Colour Number of pupils Grey 3 Brown 6 Blue 7 Green 2 5 4 3 2 1 It’s the wrong type! It’s a line graph. It should be a bar chart Grey Brown Blue Green Eye colour
6. Read the passage to answer the question 6. Read the passage to answer the question. What were radio waves used for? answer “Radio waves were first used for communication by Marconi. He needed a transmitter to send out the waves and a receiver to detect the signals carried by the incoming waves. This showed that wires are not needed for radio communication” Communication
7. Read the passage to answer the question 7. Read the passage to answer the question. What is the frequency of a radio wave? answer “Radio waves transmit energy. The frequency of a radio wave is the number of waves produced in one second. A radio station can be identified by the frequency of the waves it transmits.” The number of waves produced in one second
8. Read the passage to answer the question 8. Read the passage to answer the question. What was a transmitter used for? answer “Radio waves were first used for communication by Marconi. He needed a transmitter to send out the waves and a receiver to detect the signals carried by the incoming waves. This showed that wires are not needed for radio communication” To send out radio waves
The frequency decreases as the length of wire increases 9.The graph shows the frequency of sound produced by different lengths of guitar string. What happened to the frequency of sound as the length of wire increases? answer The frequency decreases as the length of wire increases
10.The graph shows the frequency of sound produced by different lengths of guitar string. What length of wire produces a frequency of 40 hertz? answer 0.5 metres
11. Calculate the average (mean) of these numbers. answer Average 4 7 5 8
12. Calculate the average (mean) of these numbers. answer Average 12 11 5 12 10
13. Calculate the average (mean) of these numbers. answer Average 12 13 5 2 (12 + 13 + 5 + 2) ÷ 4 = 8
14. Calculate the average (mean) mass of the cars below. answer (1140+1250+990+1200) ÷ 5 = 4580 ÷ 5 = 916 kilograms
15. Complete the table using the passage answer 200 3.4 4.9
16. Calculate the average (mean) of these numbers? answer Average 10 7 3 4 (10 + 7 + 3 + 4) ÷ 4 = 6
17. Which car has the highest top speed? answer 17. Which car has the highest top speed? Car A
answer 18 Smooth Fluffy Rayon Nylon
19. Calculate the total of these numbers? answer 12 13 5 2 32
20. Calculate the total mass of all 4 cars. answer 20. Calculate the total mass of all 4 cars. 1140+1250+990+1200 = 4580
21 answer 6 12
Internal bleeding and shock 22 answer Internal bleeding and shock
23 answer 10
24 answer 540 ÷ 9 = 60
25 answer 470 X 3 = 1410
26. What percentage of pupils in the class have brown eyes? answer Eye Colour Number of pupils in class with eye colour Grey 1 Blue 10 Brown 6 Green Hazel 2 % brown = (number with brown ÷ total) X 100 = (6 ÷ 20) X 100 = 30%
27. What percentage of pupils in the class have green eyes? answer Eye Colour Number of pupils in class with eye colour Grey 1 Blue 10 Brown 6 Green Hazel 2 % green = (number with green ÷ total) X 100 = (1 ÷ 20) X 100 = 5%
28. What percentage of pupils in the class have blue eyes? answer Eye Colour Number of pupils in class with eye colour Grey 1 Blue 10 Brown 6 Green Hazel 2 % blue = (number with blue ÷ total) X 100 = (10 ÷ 20) X 100 = 50%