Photosynthesis Day 2 Added pg. 93
Pg. 93
Pg. 93 Write out word for word the entire cloze passage found on google classroom or Write the passage in one color, I think red would be best, Draw the blank and number it. There are 42 Blanks. Write the answer in a different color that will stand out against the written passage. Make the numbers very large so I can stamp a completed passage. You can find it under The Discovery of Cells CLOZE Passage in assignments you will be using your Biology Book with the Killer Whale on the cover. Use pgs. 175-180 in the textbook to fill in the blanks. After you are done with this come up and get the two worksheets at the front of the room. Staple the worksheets on page 93 also. All of this will help you to do the flip book we are going to do next class.