CE 525
Topics Syllabus update UK Resource Remote sensing class Go over test http://maps.uky.edu/support/2012esriuctechsessions.htm Remote sensing class Go over test Model Builder
Reminders Syllabus updated Marksbury next class Next Tuesday – Dr. Souleyrette Next Next Tuesday – In-class exercise
Mid Term
ModelBuilder Model: an abstraction of reality used to represent an object, a process, or an event. In the context of geoprocessing, a model is one process or a sequence of connected processes created in ModelBuilder.
ModelBuilder ModelBuilder is a built-in application in ArcGIS designed for creating reusable and sharable geoprocessing workflows.
Why create a model in ModelBuilder? To see a visual representation of analysis and geoprocessing operations To automate and manage geoprocessing workflows To run a complex succession of processes as one tool To plug in additional tools and parameters as needed To be able to share geoprocessing workflows with other users by sending them the model you've created
Model States Not ready to run Ready to Run Already Run
Planning Your Analysis Determine the scenario and criteria for analysis or data management, and set goals for your model. Explore and gather necessary data. This may involve creating and editing data. Choose tools that will enable you to achieve your goals. This requires thoroughly understanding your goals and the tools you'll use.
Planning Your Analysis Build and run a model. By this time, you have already determined everything you need to complete your model. Explore and refine the results of your model. You might view, analyze, and symbolize your results to determine whether they are satisfactory. You can run the model again with different tool inputs, if needed.
D-7 Summer Crashes Model
Louisville Roads Buffer Model
Issues to Be Aware Of Use relative file paths Validate your model before running it Adding tools to a model from the search results is faster, but not as reliable Make sure you have appropriate write privileges to the folder where you want to store your output features
Model Builder Example