What is Title I???? Title I provides Federal funding to support schools with a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students. Funds are utilized to promote activities in schools that improve student achievement. Schools maintain a Title I Plan detailing plans for improving student success. School eligibility is based on the number of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. A Copy of the Title I Plan is available on our school website.
2017-2018 SVS Title I Goals The district approved curricula, which is aligned with Alaska State Standards, is being implemented. High academic expectations for student learning are communicated to students. Extended learning opportunities are made available and utilized by students in need of additional support. Sufficient time/resources are allocated to support professional development outlined in school improvement plan. Staff will communicate effectively with parents about learning expectations, student progress and ways to reinforce learning at home.
2015-16 Title Budget Technology electives (Noelle Mischenko) $23,148.50 UAF/UAA College Fair 3,700.00 Instructional Materials 2,650.91 Parent Event Food Supplies 1,400.00 Teacher Professional Development 2,499.00 After School/Study Hall/Science Club 2,964.97 Chromebook computers (1:1 attrition) 5,800.00 Teacher stipends to support technology 864.62 Recognition awards for students 1,000.00 School-wide parent communication app (Remind) 740.00 Transportation for 8th/9th Field Trip to Denali 1,200.00 TOTAL $45,968.00
School Compact and Parent Engagement Policy School-Parent Compact A document that clarifies what families and schools can do to help children reach high academic standards. Parent Engagement Policy A document that details steps that the school will take to help promote parent involvement in the school environment. There is a parent engagement policy at both the District and School level. Both Documents will be reviewed and revised tonight at this PTSA meeting. Copies will be made available.
Future Meetings & Assessment Data Title I Updates are provided at PTSA meetings on a monthly basis. MAP Assessment results & data will be sent home with report cards at the end of Quarters 1 & 4. PEAKS Assessment results will be mailed home when the data is available from the State. If you are interested in serving on the Title I team, or volunteering in our school, please contact Lisa Shelby at
Parent Rights Parents have the opportunity to attend regular meetings and provide suggestions regarding the Title I program. Parents may request information regarding the qualifications of their child’s teacher(s). Parents have the right to participate in discussions relating to the education of their child. Parents will be provided the opportunity to comment on the school-wide plan via surveys.
QUESTIONS????? As you can see, these additional dollars expand educational opportunities for children and our school. Please take the time to fill out the free and reduced lunch application online, or through a paper form, even if you do not think you qualify.
Time to visit classrooms, and try out your lockers Time to visit classrooms, and try out your lockers! See you on Monday for the first day at school, 8:30 am