THE PENTATEUCH Pente means 5 Teuchos means book The first 5 books of the Bible Genesis – book of origins Exodus – book of redemption Leviticus – book of worship and communion Numbers – book of pilgrim people Deuteronomy – instruction for the redeemed
GENESIS THE ORIGIN OF ALL THINGS View of 1st 11 chapters effects view of entire Bible Nowhere else can we find the creation of the world Written to reveal to man that he was divinely created
GENESIS 3 VIEWS OF ORIGIN OF LIFE Atheistic materialism Accidental arrangement of molecules Theistic evolution God through evolution Special creation God in 6 literal days
GENESIS Gen. 1:1 introduces the reader to God Man must accept the fact that God is. Hebrew word Elohim is a plural form (Trinity) Word “created” indicates a definite act All “scientific theories” are excluded All ideas of creation apart from God are excluded
GENESIS The Gap Theory Age-Day theory The Ideal Time Theory Earth created in a dateless past in effort to explain geological eras Age-Day theory The day is equated to geologic era The Ideal Time Theory Earth seemed old at time of creation
GENESIS God created the heaven and the earth 3 Heavens 1st is home of birds and clouds Dan. 4:12 2nd is home of sun, moon and stars Psa. 19:1 3rd is home of the angels and departed saints I Cor. 12:2
GENESIS The 1st Day The 2nd Day The 3rd Day The 4th day Let there be light The 2nd Day Waters separated The 3rd Day Creation of plant life The 4th day The sun, the moon and the stars
GENESIS The 5th Day The 6th Day The 7th Day Fish and fowl Cattle, beast and Man The 7th Day God rested “yom” evening and morning = 24 hour day Signs, seasons, days and years
GENESIS The Corruption of All Things That Old Serpent Rev.12:9 20:2 The pivoting point in history of man That Old Serpent Rev.12:9 20:2 Satan Isa. 14, Eze. 28 The Steps in the Fall of Man The Serpent in the Garden Doubting God’s Word Denying God’s Word
GENESIS The results of the fall Five fold judgment Upon serpent Upon Satan Upon woman Upon man Upon nature
GENESIS Banned from Tree of life Promise of redemption Proto-evangel (the first gospel) Blood sacrifice (animal skin covering) Seed of woman Lamb of God on the cross r 12
GENESIS The first civilization The line of Cain Type of self righteousness Jude talks of the way of Cain Enoch (not the 7th from Adam) Lamech –bigamist Jubal – Trader, musician, inventor
GENESIS The Line of Seth Enos Enoch Methuselah Then began men to call on the Lord Enoch Culminates in righteousness Methuselah Favorable memory, lived to the flood