ben, bene, bon=good, well
A good blessing in a religious service benediction(n) A good blessing in a religious service
A good person who offers help or donates money benefactor(n) A good person who offers help or donates money
Having a good outcome; favorable beneficial(adj) Having a good outcome; favorable
beneficiary(n) A person who receives something good from someone else such as an inheritance.
To gain or receive good results from something. benefit(v) To gain or receive good results from something.
benevolent(adj) Kind; good-hearted
Favorable; having a good effect; not harmful benign(adj) Favorable; having a good effect; not harmful
In good faith; authentic; genuine; real bonafide(adj) In good faith; authentic; genuine; real
bonus(n) Anything good that is received over and beyond what was expected (usually money).
French for “have a good trip.” bon voyage(n) French for “have a good trip.”