How to Use a Compass Learning Objectives To produce an annotated diagram of a compass highlighting: 1) Compass parts 2) Compass functions
Direction of Travel Arrow The Parts of a Compass Direction of Travel Arrow
The Parts of a Compass Orienting Arrow
The Parts of a Compass Orienting Lines
The Parts of a Compass Magnetic Needle
The Functions of the Compass The functions can be described as follows. 1. Functions on the map 2. Functions in the hand
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Grid References What is a grid reference? 4-figure grid reference Or… Keep this as a master, and edit copies of it. Award logo only goes on front and back pages. Photograph can be changed per page, but should always be same shape and position. Copy and paste coloured baselines - mix and match the colours depending on the ‘chapters’ in your presentation, or keep one colour throughout.
6-Figure Grid Reference Award logo only goes on front and back pages. Photograph can be changed per page, but should always be same shape and position.
New Forest Task
Bearings Practical Walking pace 1km = 20 mins
Tasks Draw on grid numbers Calculate grid references for check points Fill out route planner Get route checked