Collaboration The material for this is the creative, immersive and enquiry-rich experience of those involved. The aims are to increase the understanding of professional formation, and to spread innovation through collaboration to ‘do better things’. The basis of the Fellowship. Working together – Fellows and their students, and others.
Communication The potentially useful communications of the Fellowship are countless. They include those within the Fellowship and those with key people and bodies outside it. The medium of collaboration, of course. But also the means to make other important links.
Continuity The range and impact of the Fellowship has the potential to grow exponentially, year by year, provided that it sustains its continuity. The growing potential of the Fellowship from year to year
Community Each year, there is a new cohort joining the Fellowship, multiplying its scope. This means that the Fellowship can constitute a vast and growing community of people keen to advance learning, provided that it retains its sense of fellowship. Community here means the spirit of shared experience that informs the Fellowship – in fact that gives it its name
Connections The making of the right connections – between ideas, people, practices – is vital in the process of personal and professional formation and development. Often, connections will not have pre-determined, foreseen or predictable outcomes. The important thing is to make them and see. Connections are what give the Fellowship its internal power and external influence. This refers to the inner integrity of the Fellowship and to the immeasurable potential for it to reach outwards
Creativity This attribute seems central to the effectiveness of individual Fellows and of the Fellowship as a whole. Self-explanatory – part of the reason you are Fellows
Coaching? There may be advantages in developing some coaching and mentoring practices within the Fellowship – indeed they probably already exist. This could be one of the items for us to consider in our agenda. An idea to consider
‘The Rings of the Fellowship’ Collaboration Connections Communication Creativity Community Continuity 6 elements that all happen to begin with the same letter. I started by putting them in circles and joining them together – at that stage there were five Olympic-style rings, then two more emerged. My graphic design skills were a little unimaginative, so I asked my daughter to enhance the image. They all seemed important, and it was logical to depict them in this way, which led to the title.