WHO ARE YOUNG ALUMNI? Young Alumni | 15 years from graduation Graduated USAFA Class of 2003-2018 Age range varies from 22-40 Made up of 15,642 USAFA Graduates Average class membership is 63% Lowest (27%) | 2013 Highest (78%) | 2007 Millennials | Born between 1981-1996 Key Values: integration with technology, civic minded, progressive Affected by: the internet, cell phones, ultracustomization Give support to a cause, motivated by inspirational media messages and by peers
YOUNG ALUMNI TAKE OFF BEGINNING STAGES Survey Young Alumni Event preferences Interest in alumni involvement opportunities Communication channels Gain contact information Showcase young alumni Young Alumni Excellence Award | Nominations available on November 15th Social Media Spotlights Connect with current cadets Being present during events
TECH CONNECT SOCIAL MEDIA Follow AOG on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Pinterest #USAFA[class] | #USAFA2022 Tag AOG in your photos, posts, etc. Contact us with impactful stories or events your chapter is hosting at AOG MOBILE APP Exclusive membership perks Instant notifications about events in your area Connect with graduates, parents, and supporters around the world Coming Soon: Guided Heritage Trail tour and discussion platform
DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS ZoomiEnews & 7258’ Receive updates about the Academy, the Association, notable grads, and current cadets. Share your chapter’s new with us at WE ALWAYS NEED UPDATED EMAILS Encourage your chapter to update their profiles on our website Contact our team if you need comparing email data
SERVICE FOCUSED COMING SOON: SERVICE BEFORE SELF WEB PAGE Highlight service organizations grads are involved with Submit upcoming service events Showcase grads in action AOG Cares Organization-wide event(s) dedicated to doing service for our communities Chapters are encouraged to plan service event(s) and track their service hours