A person, group or organization that has interest or concern in an organization.
Great man theory Industrialization of US IN 1920. Scientific management intoduced Researchers determines …..which characteristics identified most effective leaders Great man theory Traits that are necessary determined were ones that were inherent in the person. This theory discourage anyone who did not have the specified traits
Style approach to leadership After to decades leadership
Maslow's characteristics of self-actualizers A self-actualizer is a person who is living creatively and fully using his or her potentials. What a man can do, he must do. It refers to the desire for self-fulfillment, namely, to the tendency for him to become actualized in what he is potentially. While the theory is generally portrayed as a fairly rigid hierarchy, Maslow noted that the order in which these needs are fulfilled does not always follow this standard progression. For example, he notes that for some individuals, the need for self-esteem is more important than the need for love. For others, the need for creative fulfillment may supersede even the most basic needs. In his studies, Maslow found that self-actualizers share similarities. Whether famous or unknown, educated or not, rich or poor, self-actualizers tend to fit the following profile.