(to the stars through hardship) 2/23/2019 Title: Biology 11/22/06 Objectives: To learn about photosynthesis Class Topics Hand in W.S. 5.2 (DR/Quiz) before the bell rings 1A hand in W.S. 5.1 as well Chapter 5 Quiz 1 Review the light reaction Notes – Dark Reaction "Ad astra per aspera." (to the stars through hardship) Anonymous Saturday, February 23, 2019 2:57 PM
Corrections Each assignment can be corrected a maximum of twice 2/23/2019 Corrections Each assignment can be corrected a maximum of twice Assignments marked DNF cannot be corrected! All corrections must be turned in by the time the test is taken
Class Assignments Chapter 5 Quiz 1 11/22/06 Read 97-103 11/22/06 2/23/2019 Class Assignments What By When Chapter 5 Quiz 1 11/22/06 Read 97-103 11/22/06 W.S. 5.2 (DR/Quiz) 11/22/06 Chapter 5 Quiz 2 11/28/06 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
Grade Sheet 1A – SR p. 61 - 5 pts Measurement W.S. – 10 pts 2/23/2019 Grade Sheet 1A – SR p. 61 - 5 pts Measurement W.S. – 10 pts 3A SR p. 42 – 6 pts 4A – SR p. 47 – 5 pts 2A – Measurement W.S. – 10 pts SR p. 80 – 5 pts
Postquiz Activities Hand in quiz 2/23/2019 Postquiz Activities Hand in quiz Review photosynthesis (light reaction) Correct homework
Light Dependent Reaction Review 2/23/2019 Light Dependent Reaction Review Photosystem II (Grana, thylakoid membrane) Light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll Energy transferred to an electron Excited electron exits to ETC Electron must be replaced Water molecules split Oxygen gas released ETC forms ATP
Light Dependent Reaction 2/23/2019 Light Dependent Reaction Photosystem I The electrons are energized again (more light energy) Energy is transferred to change NADP+ into NADPH NADP+ is an electron carrier (takes the high energy electrons to the stroma for use in the light independent reaction Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
2/23/2019 From: http://www.cat.cc.md.us/~gkaiser /biotutorials/photosyn/fg4.html From: http://www.cat.cc.md.us/~gkaiser /biotutorials/photosyn/fg5.html
Animations University of Virginia animation 2/23/2019 Animations University of Virginia animation interactive Kansas University animation St. Olaf College Flash animation Central Michigan University Animation animation
Products Products formed in the light dependent reaction 2/23/2019 Products Products formed in the light dependent reaction 1. Oxygen gas (O2) – released to atmosphere From 2 water molecules being split 2. ATP – to light independent reaction (stroma) From photosystem II 3. NADPH - to light independent reaction (stroma) From photosystem I
Light independent reaction 2/23/2019 Light independent reaction Dark reaction Occurs in stroma of chloroplast Uses C from CO2 and H from NADPH to form C6H12O6 Uses energy from ATP and NADPH Calvin Cycle
From: http://lhs.lps.org/staff/sputnam/ PGAL 2/23/2019 From: http://lhs.lps.org/staff/sputnam/ Biology/U4Metabolism/calvincycle.png
Calvin cycle review What goes in What comes out 6 CO2 18 ATP 12 NADPH 2/23/2019 Calvin cycle review What goes in 6 CO2 18 ATP 12 NADPH What comes out 1 glucose molecule
Chapter 5 Quiz 2 Review Light dependent, light independent reactions 2/23/2019 Chapter 5 Quiz 2 Review Light dependent, light independent reactions Matching Ex. ATP produced, oxygen gas released, PGA produced, carbon dioxide used, water molecules split, PGAL produced, in stroma, light reactions, dark reactions Products of photosystems II and I Purpose of electron transport chain Purpose of ATP synthetase Calvin cycle matching (from handout) Photosynthesis chemical equation