Customized Learning Environment February16th, 2017
Northern Cass Jaguar Academy The Northern Cass Jaguar Academy (NCJA) is for students who will benefit from individualized learning to accomplish academic success. Through the use of seminars and technology, along with traditional classroom settings, the student will earn their credits towards graduation while becoming choice ready.
What is the Jaguar Academy? Customized Learning Students are choosing courses they want to take and working at their own pace. This frees up their schedule to take elective classes of their choice. Frees up schedule to enroll in more Dual Credit/AP courses/internships/other electives. Students all working in one room and leave to join the traditional classroom. Seminars (Break out sessions taught in a traditional manner are required) Creating more opportunities to be choice ready.
Department of Public Instruction of ND Supported Northern Cass to proceed with a customized learning environment. Flexibility on seat time, credits awarded to lower grade levels, job shadowing, and internships. North Dakota’s State Superintendent: Kirsten Baesler met with Dr. Cory Steiner Explain seat time to parents and current DPI requirements for courses.
Program Evaluation Engaging Northern Cass School Stakeholders Describing the Customized Learning program using the Logic Model Focusing and Planning a Program Evaluation CDC Framework for Program Evaluation (1999)
How will it look? Students in one room taking a variety of classes under the supervision of highly qualified teachers. Students working at their own pace. Core teacher available for questions that might arise. State of the art on-line labs for science courses. Ability to participate in labs in the regular classroom.
How will this affect other classrooms? Smaller class sizes in the core areas Opportunity to continue taking traditional classes. Some students will chose to take a traditional math class versus the customized approach as they feel more comfortable.
What Students Will Be Successful? Intrinsic motivation Able to set goals Able to meet deadlines Able to advocate to an adult (ask questions) Passion for Career and Technical Education (CTE)
What if my child needs help? Seminars will be provided as mini-break out sessions taught in a traditional manner. Core content teachers will be available during customized learning time in addition to WIN time. JAG time on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 3:30 to 5:00 Key: These are in addition the the staff already in the JAG room with the students.
How will this affect socialization? There is a great chemistry that is built within this community of learners. Students will still take courses with all students when they leave for elective courses or AP/Dual Credit courses. Students will still eat lunch at the same time as their peers. Flexibility of WIN time
What if deadlines are not met? Students must meet deadlines for their courses otherwise will be required to attend overtime sessions during Jag Time 3:30 – 5:00. Deadlines are typically every two weeks. Students set realistic goals with staff input and must keep track of their progress.
What if a student is ahead or behind? Weekly emails written by students will be sent to parents every Friday updating them on their progress. All students who do not complete a course last day of school must finish in the summer. If students complete a course ahead of time, then they can enroll in another class to gain more credits. Question: What if a student completes a course in April and has all of May open? Does this student have to still take another course? Job Shadowing or Internships or College Preparation or Driver’s Education prepartion
The Benefits Students working at their own pace. Frees up schedule for more student choice. Opportunity to take AP/Dual Credit College Courses. Graduate High School with up to 32 college credits. Family pays for the college credit at a reduced rate. Opportunity for internships and job shadowing experiences.