Causes of the war of 1812 Chapter 10 lesson 3
T-cap review What did writs of assistance allow British officers to search? Foreigners Foreign goods Homes for smuggled goods People for contraband c. Homes for smuggled goods
Unit overview The Election of 1800 – Lesson 1 Judiciary Act of 1801 – Lesson 1 Louisiana Purchase – Lesson 2 Napoleon and Santo Domingo – Lesson 2 Lewis and Clark Expedition – Lesson 2 Pike’s Expedition – Lesson 2 American Ships on the High Seas – Lesson 3 War at Home and Abroad – Lesson 3 War of 1812 – Lesson 4
Daily agenda T-Cap Review Unit overview Guided question Teacher Guided activity Causes of the war activity Class discussion Independent activity Answer guided question
Guided question What were three factors that led to the war of 1812?
Daily agenda T-Cap Review Unit overview Guided question Teacher guided activity Causes of the war activity Class discussion Independent activity Answer guided question
Teacher guided activity Let’s read and solve one together!
Daily agenda T-Cap Review Unit overview Guided question Teacher guided activity Vocabulary Causes of the war activity Class discussion Independent activity Answer guided question
Embargo - blocking trade with a certain country vocabulary Embargo - blocking trade with a certain country
Daily agenda T-Cap Review Unit overview Guided question Teacher guided activity Vocabulary Causes of the war activity Class discussion Independent activity Answer guided question
Causes of the war activity Keep in mind the guided question…What were three factors that led to the war of 1812? Each person in your group will have a page to read and question to answer. You will have 7 minutes to complete the activity. After each group member answers their question, they will take turns discussing their cause of the war with the rest of the group. You have 7 minutes to complete this section of the activity. We will come back together as a class to discuss the causes of the war of 1812.
Daily agenda T-Cap Review Unit overview Guided question Teacher guided activity Vocabulary Causes of the war activity Class discussion Independent activity Answer guided question
Independent activity & guided question Each student will have ten minutes to complete their sheet by answering a question about the causes of the war of 1812 and the guided question The class will then meet to discuss the guided question