U.S. Congress
Terms of Congress The Framers of the Constitution wanted the legislative branch to be the most powerful branch. Each term starts January 3 of odd-numbered years and lasts two years. Each term has two sessions. Now: 115th session Congress holds special sessions in times of crisis. Joint session: both houses meet together. Ex: the president’s State of the Union address.
A Bicameral Legislature The Great Compromise made Congress bicameral, meaning it has 2 houses. The House of Representatives has 435 members and is based on population. After each census, or population count taken by the Census Bureau, Congress adjusts the number of representatives given to each state. -
House of Representatives States are divided into districts, which get one representative each. Every district is drawn to include about the same number of people, around 711,000. This is called apportionment Gerrymandering – when districts are drawn in strange shapes to benefit a certain group House members focus on the concerns of their districts We will do an activity based on gerrymandering later this week
Senate The Senate has 100 members–two from each state. Senators represent their entire state. They serve six-year terms. Elections are staggered to ensure some stability. Senate elections are held every 2 years. -
114th Congress of the United States Racial Composition of the 110th Congress U.S. House U.S. Senate White 364 94 Black 40 1 Hispanic 23 3 Asian 5 2 Gender Composition of the 114th Congress U.S. House U.S. Senate Male 365 84 Female 70 16
Requirements and Benefits of Congress – Senate and HoR Both senators and members of the House must live in the state they represent. House members usually live in their districts, but are not required to. Age Senators: 30+ years old House members: 25+ years old Citizenship Senators: 9+ years House members: 7+ years House of Representatives 114th Congress
Requirements and Benefits of Congress Most members of Congress have college degrees. Nearly half are lawyers. Members receive a salary of $174,000, free office space, and trips to their home states. They have the franking privilege–they may send job-related mail for free.
Requirements and Benefits of Congress The Constitution grants senators and representatives immunity, or legal protection in certain circumstances. They may not break the law, though. Congress does have limitations: Expulsion -removed from Congress Censure --formal vote of disapproval of a legislator’s conduct Congressmen cannot be arrested or interrogated based on their activities as congresspeople---debating & fact-finding. (except treason, felonies, etc.) 15 senators, 5 reps have been expelled. Censure is just formal condemnation & have to give up committee chairships. Censure not mentioned in Const.
Members of Congress at Work In representing the people who elected them, members of Congress carry out three major jobs-—making laws, doing casework, and getting pork-barrel spending. Congress members make laws. They introduce bills, work on committees, listen to input for and against bills, and then vote. Congress members do casework–they do research for people they troubleshoot for people from their home district or state who request help in dealing with the federal government.
Members of Congress at Work Congress members protect the interests of their state or district. For example, a senator from a state with strong timber industries might seek to influence logging policies. Government projects and grants that primarily benefit the home district or state are called pork-barrel
Congressional Staff: Behind-the-Scenes Helpers The personal staff run the offices. They gather information on issues, arrange meetings, and write speeches. They deal with reporters and lobbyists – people hired by private groups to influence government decision makers. -
Congressional Staff: Behind-the-Scenes Helpers Members of Congress hire students from their home states or districts to serve as interns and pages. Interns help with research and office duties. Pages deliver messages and run errands. . This is a gopher – slang for someone whose job it is to run errands. “go for”
Congressional Staff: Behind-the-Scenes Helpers The Library of Congress provides information for members of Congress and their staffs. The Library’s Congressional Research Service looks up facts and spells out arguments for and against bills. Headed by Librarian of Congress, aka one of Ms. Long’s dream jobs. -