RT 1 : Ecological Status Research area 1 : Developing and validating new Bioassessment tools gaps for Transitional and Coastal waters (methods, taxonomy) gaps for lakes (methods and taxonomy, notably for Mediterranean areas) links between ecotoxicological tools and assessment tools based on the structure role of spatial scales in the relative sensitivity of assessment tools (e.g. European vs. regional level) knowledge concerning uncertainties risk assessment Research area 2 : Refining the knowledge about pressure-impacts relationships links between hydromorphological pressures and biological responses consequences of sediment contaminations by chemical pollutants on biological communities (from individuals to populations and communities) to develop proxies based on existing knowledge and expertise to facilitate the analysis of pressure-impacts relationships
Research area 3 : Evolving toward a more functional and holistic approach of aquatic ecosystems trophic networks to complement community structure attributes – links with resilience and stability metacommunities functioning and ecosystems capacity of resilience in both reference and disturbed contexts links between global changes (climate, fragmentation, exotics) and ecosystem functioning and assessment tools Research area 4 : Reconnecting the socio-economical and biological issues links between GES, Biodiversity and ecological services (y/c human health) links between Good Ecological Potential and socio-economical aspects