Chapter 8 Three more questions to answer; evolution, eternal condemnation, and the problem of evil
Question #4: What about the theory of evolution? Doesnt it prove that the Bible is wrong? 1. Lack of fossil evidence of gradual transition from one species to another ANSWERS 2. Furthermore, in the fossil deposits, the layers do not correspond to the evolutionary scheme of progress from the more simple to the more complex.
3. Irreducible complexity makes gradual evolution look impossible, and points to the creation of all things near the same time. 5. Evidence for evolution is weak, sparse, and sometimes even deceiptful. 4. Natural forces are amazingly tuned to permit life.
INCONSISTENCY We need to show our friend that if he takes God out of the picture, he has some serious problems in trying to construct a consistent system of truth. His very thoughts would be just a chemical reaction, and would therefore mean no more than the tick tock of a clock or the bile that is secreted from his liver.
Apparent age of the earth? b. Days are periods of time. c. The gap theory a. Earth created mature, with apparent age Are the dating methods reliable? Did God begin with everything compact, then stretch the universe? d. The framework theory
Question #5: How can a good God condemn people? 1. First, we need to begin with another perspective: Nobody deserves salvation. Nobody is innocent. (Romans 1-3). ANSWERS 2. Secondly, to be just, God must punish sin. We ourselves would protest if God left evil unpunished. Notice the joy in victory over evil in Revelation (chs. 19, 20).
Romans 9 Deuteronomy 29:29 4. Ultimately, the answer is that God does all things for His glory. 3. Its important to emphasize the fact that anyone who desires to be saved can be saved. John 6:37 All that the Father gives to Me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me I will never drive away.
Question #6: If God is both good and all-powerful, why does He allow evil and suffering? 1) Man caused the problem. ANSWERS Genesis 3:6-10 2) God wanted to give man free will. 3) They were the best options. Creation and the anticipated process of a struggle for sanctification Fall (Why not pass over? Why not destroy immediately?) Victory of Jesus (Why not end things right after?) Creation of spirit world (Why not incapable? Why not destroy?) Job i) Why not create incapable of sin? ii) Why not create morally strong enough not to sin?
4) God turns everything into good.Romans 8: ) Every event has multiple causes. Genesis 50:20 Ephesians 6:12 6) Natural disasters have secondary causes and are the result of the Fall. Proverbs 8:27-31
7) Time is a package of interdependent moments. You cant take out anything without destroying the final outcome. Even what seems bad to us is necessary to fulfill Gods plan. Proverbs 16:9 8) ALL FOR GODS GLORY John 11:4 Revelation 4:11 John 17:1-5
Direct him to Christ. All theology comes back to Christ. The real explanation of evil must focus on Him. From all eternity, Jesus has been a Savior, and in a sense, the Fall and redemption had to occur for Him to live out His own character. * Sermon by Edmund Clowney INCONSISTENCY of non believer The problem of good If deny right/wrong, how judge God?
* Jill and the Lion in The Silver Chair
Review Questions 1. Mention the arguments against the theory of evolution that were explained in this chapter. 2. Mention some possible explanations of the apparent age of the earth of billions of years. 3. Mention the possible answers to the question of hell that were given in this chapter. 4. Mention some of the lessons that we learn from Romans 9 about why God does not save everybody. 5. Explain the answers from this chapter for the problem of evil.
Questions for reflection 1. Which explanation for the apparent age of the earth do you prefer? 2. Which answer helps you most regarding why God condemns people to hell? Explain why. 3. Which answer to the problem of evil helps you most? Explain why.