Skin Cancer NICE Quality Standard Draft for Consultation Publication Expected August 2016
Standards described are high-priority areas for quality improvement Each standard consists of concise measureable statements Each standard draws on existing NICE guidance
Julia Verne (Public Health) Julia Schofield (Dermatology) Barry Powell (Plastics) Steve Keohane (Dermatology) David Chao (Oncology) Gillian Godsell (Nurse Consultant)
Local Authorities and CCG commission health promotion activities on preventing skin cancer and recognising early signs Low risk BCCs only removed by clinicians linked to local skin cancer MDTs Suspected SCC and melanoma referred through a cancer pathway
Pigmented lesions to be assessed with dermoscopy Patients with SCC and melanoma have a named CNS Melanoma patients Stage 1B-IIC with a Breslow of >1mm receive verbal and written information on the advantages and disadvantages of SLNB as a staging procedure
Patients having a lymph node dissection are operated on a surgeon who is a core member of the SSMDT who performs at least 15 dissections a year Patients with melanoma are offered molecular testing if targeted systemic therapy is a treatment option