(Click here to go to our website) Call to Order – President Ted Gonsiorowski called the meeting to order and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation – David Hunter – Dear Lord, we thank Thee, for enough to eat, enough to wear, a beautiful day, a friendly community, a warm home, the senses of sight and hearing, peace, these friends. May we show our gratitude in service to those less fortunate. Amen. Vittles – Salad and Toppings, Baked Pork, Green & Yellow Beans, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Bread and Butter, and Chocolate Cake or sugar-free cherry pie.
Birthdays – None. Attendance – 15 members. Guests – Fondas husband, Larry Bowden. Lions Report – No report today. If you are ill or know a fellow Lion who is under the weather, please call Pat Bryan at
Announcements and Reports – President Gonsiorowski reminded us that the international focus is literacy. The Holiday Party is December 12 during our regular meeting time at the Windsor. Ed Mason will provide the entertainment. Spouses/guests lunch will be free. The District Convention is December 7 and 8 in Mattoon. We collected again today for Socks for Kids and will continue collecting next week. Our goal is to collect at least $300. Herb Bail needs members each month willing to will help pick up used eyeglasses. If you can help please let him know.
Lottery –The lottery was $10. Pat Bryan won today.
David Lin said Herb collects the classes, sorts them and boxes them up. They are stored in Davids garage until they are picked up and taken to Chicago. Next pick up is in May. Wesley Food Bank has requested our help again this year repackaging food for their food bank. David Lin said they served 1300 people in the month of November. The food they give out is free to the recipients. David will contact them and find a date we can help them. Marvin Paulsen announced there will be a Zone meeting December 13 at 6 pm, Monicals Pizza. If you want to attend please let him know
When it was time for reading of the Board Minutes, we had a little trouble with the microphone and PA system.
Business Meeting - Minutes of the December 4, Board Meeting were read by Lion Secretary Fonda Bowden:
Present: President Ted Gonsiorowski,1 st VP Weldon Garrelts, Past President David Lin, Treasurer Karl Drake, Director Sam McGrew, 2 nd VP Charlie Osborne, Lion Tamer Floyd Gordie Gordon, Secretary Fonda Bowden. Members Present: PDG Rich King, Lion Paul Kunkel. Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting, November 6, 2012, were approved as presented. Treasurers report: Karl Drake presented Treasures reports for September, October, and November 2012 for Board review and discussion. November 30 the General Fund has $4,044.24, the Charities Fund has $9, and the Endowment Fund as $2, The reports were approved as presented. 2 nd Vice President (and Program Chair) Charlie Osborne reported he has programs set for the rest of December but needs ideas for January meetings. The basketball raffle tickets need to be turned in soon, the drawing is the 19 th. Each member was asked to sell/buy at least 5 tickets. PDG Rich King reported the Evening Club held its 2 nd meeting at the Fire Station on Windsor Road, Champaign. 4 people attended. Buzz Melton spoke again at this meeting. He is finding the organizing slow going with the firefighters group. Jay Hoeflinger was nominated to fill the vacancy for Director 2012 – (He accepted.) Herb Bail ed Fonda that he collected 283 pair of glasses for November. Socks for Kids (Sam McGrew, chairing) contributions will be taken again December 5. Holiday Party will be December 12 during our regular meeting time. Spouses are invited at no charge. Entertainment will be provided by Ed Mason. Salvation Army contributions will be taken, December 12 and 19 (meeting on the 19 th will be at the Regent). The District Convention is December 8 in Mattoon. We need delegates from our club to attend and to participate in the election of officers.
Know Your Lion: Omer Benn introduced Lion Tom Yaxley, a 37-year member of the Champaign Lions Club.
Tom was born in Rochester, NY. His family moved to Illinois when he was 4 years old so his Dad could get his masters degree. Toms Dad met his Mother in Champaign. He has two sisters and one brother.
Tom attended Columbia and Westview elementary schools and Edison, Jefferson (when the ceiling fell in), and graduated from Champaign High School two years before it was split into Central and Centennial.
He went to the University of Illinois and got his bachelors in Accounting. He went to work for one of the Big 8 Accounting Firms in Chicago where he worked in auditing and tax. Tom also has a Master of Science in Taxation from DePaul University.
He was influenced by Jack Greenberg who later became CEO of McDonalds Corporation. He missed Champaign. He worked for 5 years for Winakor, Bates & Brunson, CPAs which merged with McGladrey in 1982.
He began his own practice, Tom Yaxley & Co., in Then he merged with Grotelueschen & Associates, LLC to form the YG Financial Group, P.C. In 2005 Hans Grotelueschen bought him out and Tom became an employee of the group as a way to wind down his work schedule.
Cruises are one of Toms favorite ways to travel. He took a recent cruise to the Middle East, stopping in Athens and Israel.
They were to stop in Egypt but could not because of the political unrest there. He has two sons and one daughter. His oldest son lives in Lake City, FL with his wife, a physical therapist, and their two boys.
The other son lives in Point Beach, FL. He works in construction. He decided to get married on April 14 (the day before tax day!). His daughter lives in Champaign, works for the College of Engineering, and is married to Steve Meade, of Signature Homes.
Toms hobbies are bridge, tennis and Sudoku. Tom became a Lion in 1975 and was recruited by Paul Grammer. He has held several roles in the club, including treasurer, President ( ) and Tailtwister.
He stated reasons to stay in the club, habit plus a place to go to see people you have known for a long time and of course the service we do in the community.
He has a Chrysler Crossfire, a unique carsexy, sporty, two-seater, but not really a very comfortable car but that's where he smokes his favorite cigars.
Tailtwister – Tom Yaxley,
asked Paul Kunkel to carry the bucket, as he was supposed to be our Greeter today.
Omer Benn paid for running out of gas in his golf cart,
in front of Charlie Osborne.
He fined Pat Bryan for having won the lottery.
Sam McGrew paid for his beautiful Christmas tie which was a Save the Children tie painted by Richie, age 11.
Gordy told a joke on Pat Bryan, advertised as a used car, with her permission of course: Super lady with low mileage, a late model with push button start, peekaboo headlamps and a unique hand crafted rear bumper that must be seen to be appreciated. High octane fuel needed for peak performance. Has been up on blocks for a few years, but ready to go. Looking for a sleek sports model with a full tank and a fully charged battery to jump start this classic and put it on the road to enchantment. Available for leisurely drives on weekends and a few select evenings. Private showings by appointment only. Send replies to the Champaign Lions Club dating coordinator, Homer Kuder in care of the Windsor of Savoy. Only replies with picture and horsepower will be considered. Call anytime. I am ready, willing and able.
Pat did appear to enjoy the joke as much as the rest of us did.
Ted Gonsiorowski showed us the programs which Paul Kunkel brought in from the 75 th year celebration of our Lions Club.
Dec 5 - Business Meeting – Know your Lion Greeter: Lew Laymon Dec 12 – Christmas Party held at Windsor Lunch time. Dec 19 – Rob Wynstra – Civil War Presentation (Also Basketball Raffle Winner) Click here to Charlie Osborne and let him know what you would like to see in a Lions Club program some Coming up
Thank you for watching Editor Fonda Bowden Publisher David Hunter