National Science Learning Network development day 6 July 2016 Yvonne Baker
National Science Learning Network development day Outcomes By the end of the day you should have: identified ways to enhance your own SLP offer through the sharing of good practice from around the network clarified the nature of the universal offer and how this brings added value to your SLP identified strengths and areas for development both locally and nationally celebrated the success of the network
Time Agenda Item 10:00 Arrival and networking 10:30 Welcome and aims of the day - Yvonne Baker 10:35 Celebration of the Network – Becca Knowles 10:45 Defence Engineering Champion Team Leader, Royal Navy - Captain Mike Rose RN 11:15 National STEM Learning Centre and Network Workshops Workshop 1 Key opportunities and priorities of the next phase of the Network, taking into account the DfE White Paper – “Educational Excellence Everywhere” (published 17 March 2016) alongside local needs. Workshop 2 Areas of development as highlighted in the network final external evaluation report. 12:15 STEM Insight & Science Mark – David Craven 12:30 Lunch and networking 1:30 STEM Ambassadors 2:00 SLP Development Workshops – Regional Leads Workshop 1 - Partnerships Workshop 2 - Networks and Communications Workshop 3 - Sustainability Workshop 4 - Programme Workshop 5 - Impact 3:30 Closing remarks – Wayne Jarvis 3:45 Meeting closes and depart