South High School Counseling Department Freshman Workshop
Student Services Department Counselors Alpha Name Ext: Email A-E Mr. Polun 7360 F-La Mrs. Carroll 7361 Le-Ra Mrs. McGarry 7363 Re-Z Mrs. Iacono 7362 College/ Career TBD 7367 Dean of Students – Mr. Klemm School Psychologist – Dr. Myatt
The Counselor’s Role Academic College Career Personal/Social/Emotional
Procedure to see your Counselor Drop-in times for students Before school Lunch After school Request to see a counselor Students can sign up to see their counselor in the counseling office The counselor will send a “Call Slip” to the student’s class to meet with the student regarding his/her request Parent requests by appointment Parents need to call your individual counselor to set up an appointment
Guidance Throughout High School 9th Grade September- Freshman Parent Night Presentation October- Freshman Workshop February/March- Freshman Scheduling 10th Grade October- PACT- 10th graders do not pay November- Sophomore Workshop March/April- Sophomore Scheduling 11th Grade October-PSAT November- Junior Workshop March- Junior Scheduling 12th Grade September- Senior Workshop September/October- College Workshops October- Senior Conferences November- Local Scholarship Workshop
Guidance Throughout High School Continued… All Grades All Year- College/Career Visits/Trips September- Road Map to College October- District Financial Aid Night January- Testing Interpretation Night February- TUSD College Fair February- Honors/AP Information Meetings
Transitioning to High School: Things to Know Graduation Requirements A-G college prep requirements Every year of High School counts Sports eligibly at South High Clubs and Activities Find a niche- get involved
Graduation Requirements Academic Accountability Must pass classes with a D or higher to earn graduation credit Should try to earn 30 credits each semester/60 credits each year to stay on track Students who fail classes should discuss options for make-up with counselor Must pass Math and Foreign Language classes with a C or higher to move onto the next level Pass classes with a C or better to meet the A-G college entrance requirements
High School Graduation Requirements 220 total credits 6 semesters of composite satisfactory or excellent citizenship Math- 20 credits Science- 20 credits English- 40 credits Social Sci.- 30 credits Physical Ed.- 20 credits Fine Arts or Foreign Language- 10 credits Health- 5 credits Electives- 75 credits Includes classes you take over the required graduation credits
Knowing the A-G List UC/CSU College Prep Requirements – With Grade of C or Higher Letter Area Years Required Years Recommended A History/Social Sciences 2 years B English 4 years C Mathematics 3 years D Laboratory Sciences E Language Other Than English F Visual and Performing Arts 1 year G College-Preparatory Electives
Main Differences Between H.S. Grad & A-G Requirements High School Grad A-G D is passing grade * Must have a C or better to move on in math/foreign language C is passing grade 2 years any math Alg 1, Geom, Alg. 2 (min.) 1 yr. Foreign Language OR 1 Fine Arts 2 yrs. For. Language (min.) AND 1 year of Visual and Performing Art 1 yr. PSE/Chemistry & 1 yr. Biology 2 years of LAB Science taken from at least two of the following areas: Biology, Chemistry, Physics
Options After Graduation Four-year College- last year approximately 50% Community College- last year approximately 40% Vocational Schools Schools that teach students skills needed to perform a particular job On-the-job training (workforce) Military
Community College 113 campuses Transfer programs available CSU and UC give priority to transfer students Certificates and Associate (AA) Degrees available Placement Tests in English/Math Open Admission- just graduate!
California State University 23 Campuses Minimum GPA is 2.0 ACT or SAT required Applications are due during senior year.
University of California 10 campuses (only 9 open for undergraduates) Minimum GPA is 3.0 ACT or SAT required Applications are due senior year
Private/Out of State Colleges Requirements vary at every college and in every state, so you must research! Most will require ACT or SAT Minimum GPA will vary
Academic Resources and Support Email teachers and counselors- see South High Website- m Many teachers offer additional support- see individual teachers Power schools eTUSD- Use a planner/agenda book Tutoring CSF tutoring Monday – Thursday 3:00-4:00 Library Private Tutors- best way to find tutors is word of mouth Torrance Public Library
Helpful Hints Work at your own level Balance your life Discover and develop your strengths and interests Commit to what you are interested in (Sports, Scouts, Music, Art, etc.) Give back: volunteer opportunities Go beyond the minimum: commit to 3-4 years of the same class/club/etc. Plan your own course; do not adopt your friend’s courses
ZERO TOLERANCE We expect you to treat your classmates as you would like to be treated at all times Consequences for bullying can be severe, including suspension, expulsion, and charges filed with the police. That’s not going to help you get a good rec letter and be successful! Watch what you say on social media-severe consequences. Cheating/ plagiarism- possible suspension, 0/F, etc.
High School Procedures Grading Periods Attendance Truancies Activities Athletics
Grading Periods Quarter 1- Friday, November 3rd Semester 1- Friday, January 26th Quarter 3- Friday, April 6th Semester 2- Thursday, June 21st Quarters are 10 weeks PE and Athletics are the only grades that are posted at the quarter Semesters are 20 weeks Semester grades (January and June) are posted on the transcript
Student Attendance/Policies Make sure to bring a note to the attendance office when absent. If a note is not turned in, the absence will turn into a Truancy (2 days after student returns) Communication regarding attendance TUSD sends automated phone calls home when students are absent Check parent connect for attendance Attendance contract Attendance office will not call students out of class to pick up items from the office Off Campus Passes Requests need to be given to attendance office in the morning Health Office Students need to get a pass from the teacher to go to the health office Health office notifies attendance office
Extracurricular Activities/Athletics Basics Activities Office- K-1 Activities Director – Mrs. Hildreth Eligibility – 2.0 GPA and no more than one U Student Council/Clubs/Organizations Athletic Office- F-1 Athletic Director – Mr. VanWaardenburg eligibility is looked at every 10 weeks- quarter (November, January/February, April, June) Athletic Questions Coach approval Concerns/Issues Clearance procedures