Do Not Be Unbeliving John 20:24-31
Reasons to Believe Men offer experiences, logic and human wisdom as a basis for faith They reject the truth of the gospel These do not establish genuine faith Isa 55:8-9; Rom 1:21-22; 1 Cor 1:21
Reasons to Believe God and His Christ teach us who will truly know and believe, Jno 7:16-18 John 20:24-31: What you should believe Why you should believe
THE DILEMMA (Jno 20:24-25) “I was not there”! We were not there when Jesus arose and appeared, 20:24, 19-20 Doubt lingered after Peter and John saw the empty tomb, Jno 20:8-10 Apostles’ initially rejected the eyewitnesses, Mark 16:11-13 Absence does not eliminate accurate faith, Job 38:4; Psa 19:1; Rom 1:20
THE DILEMMA (Jno 20:24-25) “I was not there”! Why should we believe eyewitness testimony? Jesus rebuked the rejection of credible, eyewitness testimony, Mk 16:14 Credibility of the witnesses must first be established
THE DILEMMA (Jno 20:24-25) “I was not there”! God-defined reasons to believe Faith is not built on superstition or on blind fanatical emotion Faith is reasonable and based on rational evidence
THE DILEMMA (Jno 20:24-25) “I was not there”! Evidence for faith, Jno 14:7-11 Words (teaching, testimony), 14:10; 3:11, 31-32 Works (miracles), 14:11; 10:25, 37-38
THE DILEMMA (Jno 20:24-25) “I was not there”! Evidence to believe Jesus is the Christ, Jno 5:31-47 Testimony of John, 5:33 (1:29-34) Miracles (Father’s testimony), 5:36-37; 11:42 The Scriptures, 5:39; Acts 10:43 (Prophecy) Moses, 5:46; Acts 3:22-23 Words of Jesus, 5:47; 8:43-47 His resurrection, Matt 12:39-40; Rom 1:4
Jesus Makes it Possible to Believe (John 20:26-27) Thomas wanted to examine the evidence that Jesus was alive, 20:25 (19-20) Doubt would turn into certain faith Thomas: His apostleship, Acts 1:22 All people: Words and confirming miracles, Mark 16:15-20 An inspired record, 1 Jno 1:1-4 Confident faith is possible, Eph 3:1-5
Jesus Makes it Possible to Believe (John 20:26-27) We must “reach out” and see the credibility of the witnesses (apostles) and their testimony (NT), 1 Cor 2:13; 2 Cor 4:7-15 Luke: Eyewitness testimony plus Luke’s “perfect understanding” produced a record by which Theophilus could “know the certainty” of the gospel! Luke 1:1-4
The Confession of Faith (John 20:28) “My Lord and My God” Jesus accepted this confession Testimony of His deity, 1:1-3; 5:17-18; 8:58; 10:30-36 This is the good confession of faith, Acts 8:36-37
The Blessing of Faith (John 20:29-31) Christ will bless faith, Heb 11:6 Not blind faith Open hearts to assess the testimony given by credible witnesses Open hearts to believe, Acts 17:2-4, 10-12 Genuine faith rests on evidence and is blessed, 1 Pet 1:6-9
The Blessing of Faith (John 20:29-31) That you may believe, Jno 20:30-31 Written testimony from credible witnesses, 20:31; Acts 1:8 The object of faith: Life in His name, 20:31 (1 Jno 1:1-4)
Do not be Unbelieving, but Believing There is fullness of joy in faith because it produces eternal life Faith rests on the solid ground of evidence, Heb 11:1 Jesus was raised -- the tomb was empty Apostles saw Him alive (Acts 1:3) Gospel is certified by mighty miracles No escape if we neglect so great a salvation! Heb 2:3-4