trans – across; change equi – equal hyper - over
duc/duct = to lead ceed/cede = to go or yield cep/cept/ceit = to take or receive
-cide = killer; killing -ative = like or pertaining to -ancy/-ency/-ance/-ence/= state of -ant/-ent = one who
to turn car back again (p+r) the condition of people (r +s) one who leads with (p+r+s) overactive (p) to change form (p) ** (päk’it)
good for others or you (p) the condition of the (s)system that moves blood around in your body (p) to cause to empty out/outside (p+r+s) one who receives again and again (p+r+s) exploding tart (r) **(dē ō’ dər ənt)
away from normal (p) bad nutrition (p) a place for doing labs (s) equal lines (p) body part that is away from (belly) (p) **(el’bō)
dynamite pesticide demonstrative currency fragrance **(hus’ əl)