Contents Background Sustainable Development Goals Sustainable Development in SA Responsible Consumption and Production One planet network Milestones Next steps
Sustainable Development in SA
Sustainable Development Goals
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS Goal 12 "Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns" includes amongst its objectives to "halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer level, and reduce food losses along production and supply chains by 2030".
One Planet Network Programme (10YFP) Sustainable Public Procurement Sustainable Tourism, Including Ecotourism Sustainable Lifestyle and Education Sustainable Food Systems Consumer Information Sustainable Buildings and Construction
Vision and Objectives
Sustainability along all food value chains Core initiatives or Priority Projects Sustainable diets Sustainability along all food value chains Reduction of food losses and waste Local, national, regional multi-stakeholder platforms Resilient, inclusive, diverse food production systems;
Milestones the dti and CGCSA secured funding from SA-EU Dialogue A study tour for the food waste prevention programme was undertaken to the EU in September consisting of 2 retailers (Pick ‘n Pay and Shoprite), 2 manufacturers (Tiger brands and Famous brands), CGCSA and the dti. Organisations visited included Danone, UNEP and WRAP and Carrefour (France), Food win, EU Food Bank, ERRT, Del haize, Copa Cogeca, and EU Commission (Belgium)
Voluntary Agreement on prevention of Food Waste? What’s Next? Voluntary Agreement on prevention of Food Waste? Measurable targets to prevent food waste? The targets to be agreed to by the industry Format of reporting on achievements to be agreed by the industry
THANK YOU Thembelihle Ndukwana TNdukwana@thedti.gov.za 012 394 3067