Digital Speech Processing


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Presentation transcript:

Digital Speech Processing 數位語音處理 Team 9 2006 Fall 李建誼

Speech V.S Writing & Typing

What is “Digital Speech Processing” Speech Recognition Reaction Data Processing Speech Synthesis Lexicon Grammar


History(1) 19 Century – Linguistics & Vowel 1968 IBM 704 sang “Daisy Bell” -John Larry Kelly Jr. (Speech Synthesis)

History(2) 1960s HMM( Hidden Markov Model) - by Leonard E.Baum EX: speech → s – p – ee – ch 1980s Difficulty : consecutive words - assisted by “Language Model” EX: his story → history , 西洋 → 詳

History(3) First in Chinese – 李琳山教授 Analyze Mandarin Speech 1986 Text-to-Speech system 1990s-now 金聲系列


Development(1) Distributed System Feature Data Processing Input Signal Server Clients Network

Development(2) Multi-lingual Functionalities Global Information EX: 這是一個example。 Global Information - Anytime, Anywhere, and for Any User Terminal


Application(1) Speaker Recognition

Application(2) Dictation Pronunciation Teaching

Application(3) Command Recognition EX: Say:我想要刪除… → Execute: Delete … Say:我想要找… → Execute: Search … Say:我想要連結… → Execute: Telnet …

Application(4) News Search Engine Voice Instructions Text Instructions 我想找有關金塊和尼克打架的新聞? Voice Instructions Text Instructions

Application(5) Automatic Translation It is mid-night… 現在是午夜時分…

And Thank You For Listening Ending Reference: NTU Speech Lab Wikipedia And Thank You For Listening