Summary of LSC Data Analysis Activities: Alan Wiseman G040123-00-Z LSC at LHO 03.11.10-13 LIGO Scientific Collaboration - University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Review Standard/Procedure for APS “Unlikely to change much” eg “A few percent is ok” Still worried about a factor of 2, not good enough. The outcome of the review is not assumed. This should begin to approach the steady state. Reviewers will report to LSC Executive Committee April 23 meeting. There will be an LSC telecon of the talks LSC at LHO 03.11.10-13 LIGO Scientific Collaboration - University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Results that will (might) be presented: Burst (Patrick Sutton) Gamma ray burst (triggered search) Reviewers agree can use the paper as guide 4 ETG + r-statistic (untriggered) “Narrative” of the analysis will be available by early April This can be used as the guide for the review If not “we will back off” Inspiral BNS Draft and web pages being assembled will serve as the guide for the review LSC at LHO 03.11.10-13 LIGO Scientific Collaboration - University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
Results that will (might) be presented Pulsar (Mike Landry) Known pulsar (some issues about how many) Draft is sufficient guide to allow the reviewers to do the job Stochastic Primary focus on H2-L1 correlation Stuart “need a technical report” But analysis hasn’t changed much from the s1 analyisis LSC at LHO 03.11.10-13 LIGO Scientific Collaboration - University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee