First Day Covers Honoring Boy Scouts of America
A Little History Robert S. S. Baden-Powell, famous GB military officer, founded the Scout organization in GB BSA was founded based on the Boy Scouts organization in GB William Boyce was the driving force for establishing BSA, combining existing Boy Organizations patterned after Baden- Powell
BSA Comes to the USA The story about Boyce and the “unknown scout” who helped him in London – mostly a fable The existing organizations were led by Ernest Thompson Seton and Daniel Carter Beard Both of these combined to give BSA a start
BSA in the USA BSA was chartered by Congress on February 8, 1910 The BSA corporate organization exists to support the volunteer organization Troops are chartered as an outreach of schools, churches, civic groups The success of BSA depends on the volunteers
BSA in the USA Purpose of Scouting: Character Development; Mental, Moral and Physical Fitness; Participating Citizenship 8 Methods of Scouting: Outdoor program, Advancement, Patrol Organization, Adult leadership, Merit Badges… Emphasis on adult leader training to insure that leaders understand the purpose of Scouting
USA Scouting Today About 6% of boys who enter scouting earn the rank of Eagle (up from a decade ago) Famous Eagles: Gerald Ford, Neil Armstrong (Apollo 11), Charles Duke (Apollo 16) Gerald Ford, the “Boy Scout President” Whole nuther topic – Girl Scouts covers, Jamboree (convention) covers
Stamps Honoring BSA #995 – 1950 (2nd USA Jamboree)
Stamps Honoring BSA #1145 – 1960 (50th anniversary)
Stamps Honoring BSA #UXC67 – 1967 (12th World Jamboree)
Stamps Honoring BSA #2161 – 1985 (75th anniversary, part of Int’l Youth Year)
Stamps Honoring BSA #3183j – 1998 (Celebrate Century 1910)
Stamps Honoring BSA #4472 – 2010 (100th anniversary, 18th USA Jamboree)
Scout Ideals Motto: Be Prepared Slogan: Do a good turn daily Scout Oath On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the scout law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight. Scout Law Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.