Appreciative Inquiry, a Joint Initiative
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Appreciative Inquiry into Winning the Best Community Health Care
Appreciative Inquiry An engagement process: Gathering stories that focus on the best of peoples’ experiences Building a picture of what they want to create Work out together how to achieve the future they want.
Over 100 People Took Part Healthwatch Lewisham, the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign, Carers Lewisham and others worked together. We collected over 100 stories from community care service users, clinicians and managers to find out what are the key features that make good community healthcare so valuable. The inquiry targeted people from the 9 protected equality groups to make sure that we had a fair representation of our local community.
People’s Stories Sylvia’s story Maureen’s story Getting home to find everything ready for me was key. All my equipment was in place ready in my home; 2 zimmer frames, leg raises, a trolley, grabber, cushion it was all organised with my neighbour while I was in hospital. They asked my permission of course. The OT, social worker, nurse, trainer and neighbour working together. The trainer had taught me while I was in hospital how to get in and out of the bath and my bed etc. so that I was ready for when I left hospital. All the team came to visit me the day after I arrived “it was like Piccadilly Circus at my house”. It was all joined up, amazing. All worked perfectly.” Winning the Best Community Health Care
Andrew’s Story I have had a long and difficult journey from being a fit and vigorous man in middle age to being a wheelchair user. My GP’s medical and emotional support has been fantastic and I have much appreciated my GP’s advice on accessing community services of which I was previously unaware. Winning the Best Community Health Care
What the stories told us about quality Community Health Care Time Accessibility Smooth Proactive Pathways of Care Listening Professionalism Skill, Sensitivity See The Person & Social Situation; Not Just The Condition Empowerment Of Patient FEAR LOSING -VALUE MOST - Availability of choice, Accessible local, Time for listening/ empathy/patient empowerment, Integrated holistic treatments, Ability to move between practice and community services; FEAR - Privatisation of services
A Collective Dream: All contribute, all benefit No barriers joined up health & social care NHS, community, third sector, patient working together, Proactive New forms of health care and health promotion Communicate and empower using appropriate methods Someone takes responsibility Staff paid well and well cared for
Next Steps 1 Shared Our Findings - Inquiry Event 28 June 14 - Public Event 29 July 14 - Commissioners Identify Gaps Meet with Commissioners Take findings to the Health and Wellbeing board
Next Steps 2 To identify the gaps between the good practices identified in the Appreciative Inquiry and the reality on the ground in community healthcare in Lewisham by engaging with as many people and groups as possible. Analyse all the data Healthwatch has concerning community healthcare. Engage more people to find out if their experiences are matching up to the 7 themes identified by the Inquiry to measure to what how services are meeting our standards.
Thank you for listening Miriam Long Healthwatch Lewisham