Research Accounting Office KPIs Q3 2015/16
RAO FINANCIAL REPORTING – QUARTER 3 2015/16 Summary: Q3, cost statement submissions are an increase of 25% on Q2. This is continuing to trend upward in 2016. Outstanding Cost statements over 2 months have dropped by over 50% to 47 at the end of Q3. YTD Cost statement submissions are 327. 193 CS’s are required to be submitted in Q4 in order to reach the Annual Target of 520 The major contributing factors to the Q3 performance were; 2 additional resources that have been added to the RAO team at the end of March 16 have increased the CS submissions and reduced the number of Outstanding reports. The RAO are undergoing a reorganisation to focus on PI reporting support rather than being Funder focussed. This reorganisation has required training, knowledge sharing and skill development which has slowed Report submissions. There is a current Vacancy in the RAO requiring a handover period in Q3.
Accounts on Agresso Commentary: The number of accounts on Agresso continue to increase and is now the highest on record at over 2,500 accounts. 683 accounts or 27% of relate to “Non-Budget” accounts. The GAP between the number of accounts being Opened and those being closed continues to widen The OVPR policy on the creation of a Research Account has yet to be finalised, but this is expected to result in a reduced number of Account set ups. The administration and management of the ‘Non Budget’ accounts continues to be ‘resource hungry’ for the RAO