Liberalism & Nationalism -> Revolutions Jan 14th, 2011 Liberalism & Nationalism -> Revolutions
Greek Revolution (1821-1829)
Eastern Question: What eastern power would fill the void left by the fall of the Ottoman Empire? European countries wanted Greece to rise b/c Greeks were Christian
England, France & Russia helped Greece defeat the Turks & Egyptians & earn its autonomy Irony: Members of the Concert of Europe supported a Nationalistic cause
Revolutions of 1830 & 1848
France in 1830: July Revolution
King Charles X wanted to impose absolutism Radical revolt in Paris forced him to abdicate the throne Louis Philippe (not Bourbon, but of the Orleans family) took the throne & re-instituted the constitutional monarchy
“Bourgeoisie King” & helped upper-middle class bourgeoisie bankers & businessmen This rev’n ignited several rev’ns throughout Europe
France in 1848: February Rev’n
King Louis Philippe forced to give up the throne due to pressure from the working class & liberals
2nd French Republic established Reforms National workshops put unemployed to work Abolished slavery & the death penalty Max of a 10hr work day in Paris
From what play/book/movie is this song from?
France in 1848: June Days Rev’n
Gov’t closed the national workshops Ignited tension between the bourgeoisie & the working class Gen’l Cavaignac became a dictator & crushed the revolt. Victory for conservatives
The Election of 1848 - Louis Napoleon defeats Cavaignac & becomes president of the Republic 1852, he becomes Emperor Napoleon III
England By 1820, conservative stranglehold over England’s gov’t came to an end Reforms were initiated Prisons & the criminal code Allowed labor unions An efficient metropolitan police force “bobbies” Less religious restrictions
Reform Bill of 1832 Earl Grey, the leader of the Whigs Gave more political representation to urban industrial districts Decreased the political power of the House of Lords Empowered the House of Commons
Labor Reforms Factory Act of 1833: kids younger than 9 couldn’t work Mines Act, 1842: Outlawed kids working in mines 10 Hour Act, 1847: 10 hr max work day for women & kids
Chartists The People’s Charter Movement for universal suffrage Failed until the late 19th century
Irish Potato Famine & the efforts of the Anti-Corn Law League finally repealed the Corn Laws in 1846
Hungary Louis Kossuth: Magyar leader who wanted independence Declarations of Autonomy Czechs in Bohemia, Italian provinces & Hungary Initially, the rev’ns won, Metternich fled & the Austrian Empire collapsed
The revolutionary gov’t failed to govern effectively Austrian army regroups, & gets aid from Russia to defeat the Hungarian army Hapsburgs restore royal absolutism
Germany German Confederation or Bund. Inspired by the nationalistic & liberal revolutions of 1848, liberals demanded a constitutional gov’t & a union of German states
Frankfurt Parliament 1848 Hoped to unify the German states Prussian people presented a constitution to the Prussian King Frederick William IV Fred rejects the liberal constitution, claiming “divine right”
Imposed a conservative constitution guaranteeing royal control of gov’t Prussian people give up (“Humiliation of Olmlutz”) on trying to unify the German states b/c Austria wouldn’t let it happen -> Tension
1830 Revolutions
1830 Revolutions The Concert of Europe provided for a recovery of Europe after the long years of Revolution & Napoleonic Wars. The conservatives did NOT reverse ALL of the reforms put in place by the French Revolution. Liberalism would challenge the conservative plan for European peace & law & order.
These revolutions were successful only in W. Europe: Their success was b/c of their popular support. Middle class would lead, aided by the urban lower classes.
Pre-1848 Tensions: Long-Term Industrialization Economic challenges to rulers. Rapid urbanization. Challenges to the artisan class. Population doubled in the 18c Food supply problems Ideological Challenges Liberalism, nationalism, democracy, socialism.
Romanticism Repressive Measures Carlsbad Decrees Secret police created in many European states.
Pre-1848 Tensions: Short-Term Agricultural Crises Poor cereal harvests prices rose 60% in one year. Potato blight Ireland Prices rose 135% for food in one year! Financial Crises Investment bubbles burst railways, iron, coal. Unemployment increased rapidly [esp. among the artisan class].
Why did the 1848 Revolutions Fail? They failed to attract popular support from the working classes. The middle classes led these revolutions, but as they turned radical, the middle class held back. Nationalism divided more than united. Where revolutions were successful, the Old Guard was left in place & they turned against the revolutionaries.
Some gains lasted [abolition of serfdom, etc.] BUT, in the long term, most liberal gains would be solidified by the end of the 19c: The unification of Germany & Italy. The collapse of the Hapsburg Empire at the end of World War I.
Important Notes about the 1830 & 1848 Revolutions Success of the revolutions didn’t last long b/c of conservative efforts Largely urban Universal male suffrage introduced in France Serfdom continued to be abolished in Austria & German states
The Bottom Line It looked like the Conservative forces had triumphed. BUT… Things had changed forever. Economic/social problems continued to be constant challenges to the ruling order. Conservatives would have to make concessions in order to stay in power. Many of the limited Liberal achievements remained permanent.