PA Talk: Introducing the System I will cover up through the AJET PSG page, and adding in the relevant parts of Essential Info, Sexual Harassment New Saga JET Orientation 2015 Hannah Winters, Shelby Lake
Support Flow Chart for JETs CLAIR Mental Health Professionals, Prefectural Advisors (PA) JPA・CIRPA・ALTPA AJET Peer Support Group Contracting Organization (CO, BOE) District Representative (DR) Your Country’s Embassy JET シナリオ①自転車に乗っていたところ、車にはねられてしまいました!
District Representatives People in your district who can help you get better acquainted with your surroundings and answer general questions about living in Japan.
AJET Representatives Regional AJET Rep– Jamel McNeill -Plans social events for Saga JETs National AJET Rep- Christiana Akins (Oita) -Involved in JET programming outside Saga & “Block 10 Events”
Prefectural Advisors Saga-ken’s 3 PAs: Our Roles: Hannah Winters - CIR PA Shelby Lake - ALT PA Tomokazu Nozaki –Japanese PA CIR PA – administrative issues, mediation between you and your school/BoE/office ALT PA –personal issues, advice on school situations Japanese PA –works with JET PAs in work-related issues
Limits As PAs we get trained at PA seminars, but we are not professional counselors. If we think an issue is beyond us, we can refer you to a professional. Thu
Kindly refrain from asking us… Feel free to… Kindly refrain from asking us… Contact us if you have a problem that you need to talk about. Ask us about medical referrals, Japanese law, getting your driver’s license, etc. Call us in an emergency. (You should do this!) Things that your JET Handbook could answer. Things the Saga JET website can answer. Things that your DR could answer better than we could. Hana
Anonymity AJET Peer Support Group
If only it were this easy This is you, right now This is you in the dead of winter bundled up under your kotatsu and wearing three layers, yet still freezing *please don’t actually store pets under your kotatsu
Things actually look more like this Managing your mental health is a day-to-day task, especially in a foreign country. Even the smallest of things can affect you (a fantastic lesson, a case of mistaken food identity, etc). Nyomi will cover this more in her talk!
Some clichés for your enjoyment
ESID (sorry, but it’s true) It’s up to each CO whether or not to alter the standard contract sent out by CLAIR As a result, the specifics of your contract and your work environment may differ significantly from those of your fellow Saga JETs Careful of comparing your situation to others, as things will be different. Keep in mind we are contracted employees, and we must abide by those contracts. You may feel restricted by certain aspects of your contracts, but other parts might be very generous. Working in a foreign country means adapting to its employment practices, too.
Fake it till you make it There will most certainly be times when you feel unqualified and have to wing it. There’s a pretty steep learning curve associated with being an ALT, so don’t be too hard on yourself in the beginning. Things will get better, and fast!
Word gets around. (so please, handle your scandal) Saga is small and you stick out more than you would at home. It’s a good idea to use more discretion than you might be used to, and be aware that there’s almost always somebody watching (hopefully not in a creepy way).
yourself you wreck yourself If you have a problem or something is on your mind, be proactive. Don’t let it fester and become worse, especially if it could jeopardize your work environment
On a more serious note Situations resulting in disciplinary action: Violation of Japanese Constitutional law, other Japanese regulations, or the terms and conditions of your contract. Behavior inappropriate to the duties of a JET* Unsatisfactory performance of duties which is not expected to improve (Article 28 of the JET Contract) *注意! Just because something isn’t explicitly prohibited doesn’t mean you can do it. Japanese law tends to be more vague in wording, but they are still laws. Ultimately it is up to your CO to define their expectations for you. We know you’re adults and you’re going to do your best to represent yourself, your home country, and the JET Program positively. Even so, let’s cover some big no-no’s per the general JET contract. Note: if you haven’t received a copy of your Terms and Conditions from your BOE, ask!
Think-Pair-Share Question: What is “inappropriate behavior” for a JET? 1 minute brainstorm 3 minutes combine ideas in a pair (or group) Share Question: What is “inappropriate behavior” for a JET? Some important ones Article 24 – Sexual Harassment Article 25 – Profit-making enterprises Article 26 – Religious activities Article 27 – Operation of motor vehicles
Admonition Pay Reduction Suspension Dismissal Disciplinary Actions In order of severity
Immediate Dismissal Under Article 27 of the JET Contract, the following will result in immediate dismissal: Serious mental or physical illness or injury Non-performance of work duties for more than 60 consecutive days Any of the information provided in the JET’s application is found to be inaccurate or untrue The JET is sentenced to a term of imprisonment (in this case the CO will not provide financial compensation)
Sexual Harassment… Is ILLEGAL in Japan. Unwanted advances, obscene remarks, or comments that make you feel uncomfortable If you experience harassment in the workplace, talk to your supervisor. They are there to support you. If experienced outside work, contact police or, if on the train, a train attendant If you experience harassment in the workplace, contact your supervisor. They should be there to listen to what happened and be prepared to take appropriate action. If you experience it outside the workplace… Yamete! – Stop! Chikan desu – Groper! We’re here if you want to talk!
Sexual Harassment Also, be aware of how your own actions and words affect your co-workers, fellow JETs and those in the community. You don’t want to be the problem!
Contacts + Additional Resources Hannah: Nozaki-san: Tokyo English Life Line (TELL): 9AM- 11PM (03-5774-0992) Counselling and support AJET Peer Support Group: 8 PM- 7 AM (050-5534-5566) JET Online Counseling CLAIR Counseling Subsidy Program (ask your BOE/CO for details SagaJET: FukuokaJET:
Office Hours. Hannah: Monday-Friday 8:30 - 4:30 On these days we are at the office, so if you have a work- related issue, these are the best times to contact us: Hannah: Monday-Friday 8:30 - 4:30 Of course, if you have something that can’t wait, contact us!
Thanks for listening. Any questions? よろしく おねがいします。