South Nottinghamshire Academy Revision strategies Hannah Wood South Nottinghamshire Academy RTSA TeachMeet 19th June 2018
Why revision strategies? Do students understand why they should revise? Do students know how to revise? What impact does this have?
Revision strategies in my lessons Last year, Year 11 – different strategies for different set works Impact – on average students achieved 14% higher after trying revision strategies in lessons Benefits? Drawbacks?
Revision strategies in my lessons Last year, Year 11 – different strategies for different set works Impact – on average students achieved 14% higher after trying revision strategies in lessons Benefits? Drawbacks?
Revision strategies whole school at SNA Year 11 ‘How to Revise’ afternoon – 2nd November Chunking Mnemonics Mindmaps Memory Mapping ROTE Flashcards Year 11 assembly – 8th February Revision timetables Use of tutor time Year 10 revision strategies in English lessons in preparation for Year 10 exams
Student voice Students found the advice they were given useful Huge majority of students use flashcards Do they use them effectively? Do they work?
The future of revision at SNA Continuation of current revision programme Embedding revision lessons into schemes of work Information leaflet for parents ‘How to Revise’ evening for parents Roll out to lower years Start in Year 7………