Program Review Feedback Process BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE Program Review Oct. 3, 2018
Read list and teams Less experienced partnered with more experienced committee member You and your partner will decide how you will collaborate on the checklist Checklist feedback should have one voice Save as “final” when completed Due Oct. 26
SharePoint All files will be housed in SharePoint Log in using BC email and password Documents found in 2018-19 Program Review Documents are sorted by document type then program name Checklists can be completed as an online document or download
Reviewing program reviews Survey documents for completion Make a note of the number of resource documents received Assessment form for instructional programs Additional forms CTE COA
The Annual Update and Comprehensive forms This is where your valuable feedback begins Not an evaluation or assessment of the program Read in context of the program Bulk of feedback will occur Add information about the QFE, link the QFE to the mission
Providing Feedback Bulk of feedback will occur Goals Measurable Action Plans Timeline Strategic direction Program Analysis Changes Reflection Gaps and strategies for addressing Appropriate use of data Assessment of received resources Program improvement Student success Conclusion Did it tell the story?
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