North Creek Ozone Treatment Pilot Project July 3, 2007
Background Quantum Ozone, Inc. approached City last year for a site to test their prototype patented ozone treatment system in an urban runoff application. City worked with Quantum and RWQCB to develop a testing protocol to monitor the effectiveness at North Creek. Results show promise with reduction of bacteria and metal counts & improved plant and animal habitat. Quantum has paid for pilot program treatment and testing up to this point. City Council has approved FY2007-2008 budget for this project.
Feedback Results So Far RWQCB supportive of project and interested in continued testing – so far data looks promising Average reduction in heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd) of 31-62% (due to enhanced adsoprtion and settling in hydrodynamic separator) Significant reduction in bacteria (close to Rec-1 Standards – more fine tuning expected with pilot project (should be noted; however with increased wildlife, bacteria does increase downstream, which is expected in productive natural habitats – hopefully Epi Study will provide some better testing techniques)
Feedback Results So Far, Cont’d. Anecdotal positive feedback – State Park staff, residents – increased water clarity, wildlife, aquatic life and vegetation, no odors City’s Ocean Water Quality Subcommittee, MiOcean & RWQCB support 1-year pilot project
Pilot Project – July 2007 Implementation contract to Council for approval tonight. Lease system through summer and winter season to continue testing (end April 2008 for final evaluation) Work with RWQCB to develop cost-effective testing protocol Continue to evaluate data, condition of the creek, public feedback, beach conditions. North Creek is not being diverted during pilot project As City has been a leader in innovative solutions to water quality issues,
Vicinity Map Existing CDS Unit & and site of Ozone System in fenced area Discharge of treated water to open channel North Creek (open channel) North Creek Outlet to Doheny Beach
System & General Information The UV/ION In-Situ Storm Water System is: equipped with automatic systems to operate via on-line or GPS for easy monitoring. environmentally and green energy friendly. equipped to give continuous ozone delivery 24/7/365 where needed. designed to require no filters or UV lights Application method: In-situ injection type. Ozone: Can generate ozone from 1% to 7% by weight or higher. Treatment Volume: Can treat from 1 to 1000 GPM. Air: Can operate on air or pure oxygen. Energy: Can operate on standard 110 volts (green energy optional). Maintenance: Minimum maintenance.
Enhance Habitat & Wildlife Turtle in North Creek Ducks and healthy vegetation
Before & After Photos March 2006 Jan/Feb 2007
Before & After Photos March 2006 Jan/Feb 2007 – improved clarity, no odor, aquatic vegetation, decreased algae