The contribution of European Standardization to e-Accessibility


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Presentation transcript:

The contribution of European Standardization to e-Accessibility Luc Van den Berghe CEN - European Committee for Standards

Some previous developments Commission Mandates M/273 and M/283 (1998 and 1999) M/273: "Standards for disabled and elderly peoples' access to information and communication technologies (ICT) products and services including "Design for All". (delivered spring 2000) DATSCG M/283: "Standards that promote barrier-free design, enabling the use of products by disabled and elderly people by applying the principles of design for all, adaptable design and assistive technology" ISO/IEC Guide 71 (also known as CEN/CENELEC Guide 6) CEN/BT Resolution on the Guide’s use in standards development  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Domains addressed in the M/273 report Communication devices Digital Broadcasting Way finding Personal Information Appliances Personal Computers Public Access Terminals Smart Cards Internet and e-commerce Services Smart Housing  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Need for co-ordination DATSCG, the Design for All and Assistive Technologies Co-ordination Group Sub-group of the ICT Standards Board Co-ordination through information exchange Dialogue with the Commission CEN, CENELEC, ETSI but also EICTA, EDF, ANEC, AAATE, etc International Workshop on Accessibility Requirements for Public Procurement in the ICT Domain (Brussels, Oct 2004) Workshop on Demonstrating Conformance with eAccessibility Requirements in ICT Products and Services ( 27 March 2006, Brussels)  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

CEN product range (deliverables) Standards European Standard – EN Pre-Standards Technical Specification - TS European Pre-Standard – ENV Informative Technical Report - TR CEN Guide Workshop Agreement CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA)  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019 5 2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Characteristics of an EN Stand-Still Withdrawal of conflicting National Standards Publication as a national Standard Designed to support legislation (New Approach – next slide) Developed in a TC National representations  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

New Approach – Basic principles Essential requirements desired outcome which must be achieved WITHOUT specifying how it should be achieved Reference to standards Standards organizations develop or approve harmonized standards EN’s set out technical specifications to meet directives essential requirements Conformity assessment policy Standards are voluntary Manufacturers do not have to follow EN IF they follow = presumption of conformity (CE marking)  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019 7 2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

New Approach – in which sectors? European Directives under the New Approach regime organize some of the most important industrial sectors Over 16% of industry production in the European Union countries relates to the New Approach Machinery Lifts Construction products Low voltage equipment Pressure equipment Packaging and packaging waste  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Drafting European Standards (ENs) National Standards Body Technical Committee Working Group Technical Committee TIMEFRAME: 3 YEARS circulation for comments weighted vote national implementation Project Proposal Draft Standard European Standard USER  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019 9 2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Characteristics of the Technical Specification No Requirements for Stand-Still Withdrawal of conflicting National Standards Publication at the national level Not designed for support of legislation Nationally available Developed in a TC National representations  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Characteristics of a CWA No Requirements for Stand-Still Withdrawal of conflicting National Standards Publication at the national level Not precluded from use in support of legislation National availability is optional Developed in a Workshop Direct representation Consensus of the participating parties Fast process  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Drafting CEN Workshop Agreements (CWAs) Business Plan Kick-off Meeting Adoption of CWA CWA TIMEFRAME: 6 – 12 MONTHS Describing – Scope – Objectives – Financing – Schedule Confirming – Business Plan – Rules of the Workshop – Chairmanship – Secretariat – Consensus of Participants – Working preferably via Internet Published by CEN National Members  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019 12 2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Workshops in the eAccessibility area CWA14661: 2003 Guidelines to Standardisers of ICT products and services in the CEN ICT domain Workshop on Document Processing for Accessibility (DPA – cfr EUAIN) Workshop on Web Accessibility Certification (WAC – cfr Support-EAM etc) Objective is a Web Accessibility Quality Mark CWA will describe the requirements for the conformity scheme and the organizational structure Requirements document is not in Workshop’s scope Growing consensus that it should be published as an ESO deliverable (EN, TS, CWA?)  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Other CEN eAccessibility activities CEN/TC 224/WG6 Identification Card Systems - Man-Machine Interface EN 1332 Part 1: Design principles for the user interface (annex with icons being added) Part2: Dimensions and location of a tactile identifier for ID-1 cards Part 3: Key pads Part 4: Coding of user requirements for people with special needs (under revision) Part 5: Raised tactile symbols for differenciation of application on ID-1 cards (underway) CEN/TS 15291:2006 Identification card system - Guidance on design for accessible card-activated devices  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

The Keymark The Keymark is a voluntary third-party European certification mark, demonstrating to the consumer or user of a product that it is in conformity with the relevant EN(s). The Keymark can only be granted by certification bodies that have been 'empowered' by the CEN Certification Board. See requirements by WS/WAC  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

EC also supports ETSI/TC HF projects Currently operational are: STF287:User-oriented handling of multicultural issues in broadband and narrowband multimedia communications (deliverable ETSI Guide) STF286:Access symbols for use with video content and ICT devices (Deliverable ETSI Standard) STF 285:Enabling and Improving the Use of Mobile e-Services (Deliverable: 2 ETSI Guides) STF 284:Human related technical guidelines for real-time person-to-person communication services (EG, ETR and a web-based tutorial system) STF: Specialist Task Force (reporting to TC HF) More projects are expected in 2006  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

And what about ISO? ISO/IEC JTC1 Special Working Group on Accessibility ISO/IEC JTC1/SC35/WG6 - User Interfaces for People with Special Needs -including the Elderly and Disabled TC 159/SC 4/WG 5 Software ergonomics and human-computer dialogues …  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Mandate M/376 European accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain Phase I – Inventory of European and international accessibility requirements and assessment of suitable testing and conformity schemes A CEN/BT Working Group ETSI/TC HF Also a CENELEC interest DATSCG Phase II - Standardisation activities EN: the requirements for accessibility Supported by other standards deliverables  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019

Thank you for your attention Summary DATSCG co-ordinates A wide variety of standards deliverables and processes for their development EC supports European standardization on eAccessibility Deliverables related to M/376 will be main focus from 2006/Q2 onwards in the ESOs Thank you for your attention  2005 CEN – all rights reserved 23/02/2019