Now What? Part 2 By Cindy Marcum I Have a DRA 2 Box Now What? Part 2 By Cindy Marcum
Selection of Text levels To determine starting point for first - fourth grades Use grade level cards Fall NWEA scores Conversion chart or BOY guidelines chart Kdg. will test in the BOY (beg. of year) to get a baseline Pick a level to begin with and then 1 above & 1 below if needed
Teacher Observation Guide Recording Sheet General Information Reading Engagement Oral Reading Fluency Comprehension (PLC) Teacher Analysis DRA 2 Continuum Focus for Instruction
Teacher Observation Guide - Recording Sheet Basic Information Name/Date Teacher/Grade Scores - based on continuum Book Selection : teacher / student (Teacher selects book) Very Top of form Place to write: time, wpm (words per minute) accuracy, self corrections, final levels in reading and in comprehension
Running Record - Oral Reading General You have the script in front of you as they are reading Take as many notes as possible Suggestion: draw a line down right side to tally errors and self-corrections (can do this while student is reading or wait until finished) and total both You may need to do 2 or 3 text levels per student
Oral Reading: WPM & Accuracy Use Calculator start and stop time, enter total word count, errors & self corrections On chart: circle time and wpm (TL 12 & below do not have this chart) On chart: circle number of errors/miscues circle percent of accuracy
1. Reading Engagement Basic information about reading Levels A-24 ... ask 3 questions about reading Levels 28 & ↑ ...ask student to bring a reading record and fill out a student survey about reading habits (found in black line masters or on CD) Optional - teacher's choice Will not make or break test if this information is not done Provides general information about reading habits
DRA 2 Text Levels A-3 2. Oral Reading Introduction and preview Follow Script exactly Teacher reads some and student reads Take a Running Record Short comprehension part A couple letter/sound questions
Teacher Analysis - Continuum Oral reading percent of accuracy Circle number of errors/miscues Circle percent of accuracy Emergent Continuum - Levels A-3 Reading Engagement (Optional) Oral Reading Printed Language Concepts Circle the descriptors that best describe responses and behaviors Scores based on Oral reading and comprehension Emerging, Developing or Independent
DRA 2 Text Levels 4-16 2. Oral Reading Fluency Introduction & Preview - Follow Script - do not deviate Short introduction & then say: (Look at the pictures and tell me what is happening in this story) Students go page by page and give you prediction of events Record any information they say next to ORF
DRA 2 Text levels 4-16 2. Oral Reading Fluency Introduction and Preview No response - you may give general prompts Now what is happening, turn the page, tell me about this page. Tally # of prompts given on side Will use this tally information for score on DRA 2 continuum
DRA 2 Text Levels 4-16 2. Oral Reading Fluency Record of Oral Reading Students read entire book to you while you take a running record. Take as many notes as possible about their reading Time reading - jot down time where space is provided or at bottom of running record
DRA 2 Text Levels 4-16 Comprehension Retelling - Close the book before retelling and say: Start at the beginning, and tell me what happened in this story. BME - record as much as possible of retelling, underline what student says or circle information. Write down any additional information added or changed. Prompting for information, place a check by the prompt used and how many times used.
DRA 2 Text Levels 4-16 **Comprehension Reflection Making Connections What part did you like best in this story? Tell me why you liked that part. Making Connections What did this story make you think of? Or….What connections did you make while reading this story?
Teacher Analysis Oral Reading General rule is if there is 5 or more errors use the information from running record to fill in the chart Analyze errors Can be used for guided reading focus or daily 5 word work
Continuum - Levels 4- 16 Early Reader to Transitional Reader Reading Engagement (Optional) Oral Reading Fluency Comprehension Circle the descriptors that best describe the student’s reading behaviors and responses. Use the running record/date on recording sheet Add up scores, circle & transfer to cover sheet See Teacher’s guide for examples
DRA 2 Text Levels 18+ Oral Reading Fluency Introduction - Text Levels 18+ No preview (picture walk) Follow Script exactly as written Students will then do a short oral reading of designated pages Students will stop at the star Time readings Fill in charts at bottom of page : words per minute & accuracy
DRA 2 Text Levels 18-24 3. Comprehension Prediction - Levels 18-24 Close book or turn over and ask Think about the title, the pictures you have seen, and what you have read so far. (Pause) Tell me three things that you think might happen in the rest of the story Teacher records predictions
DRA 2 Text levels 18-24 3. Comprehension Silent Reading Follow script: Now, it’s time to read and enjoy this story by yourself. When you are done, please come to me and I’ll ask you to tell me what happened in this story. Student goes to designated spot to read the rest of the story silently.
DRA 2 Text Levels 18-24 3. Comprehension Retelling - Close the book before retelling and say: Start at the beginning, and tell me what happened in this story. BME - record as much as possible of retelling, underline what student says or circle information. Write down any additional information added or changed. Prompting for information, place a check by the prompt used and how many times used
DRA 2 Text Levels 18-24 3. Comprehension Interpretation Reflection What do you think the author is trying to tell you in this story? Reflection What do think was the most important thing that happened in this story? Why do you think that was important
DRA 2 Text Levels 18+ 4. Teacher Analysis - Oral Reading General rule is if there is 5 or more errors use the information from running record to fill in the chart Analyze errors Can be used for guided reading focus or daily 5 word work
Continuum Text Levels 18-24 Transitional Reader Reading Engagement (Optional) Oral Reading Fluency Comprehension Circle the descriptors that best describe the student’s reading behaviors and responses. Use the running record/date on recording sheet Add up scores, circle & transfer to cover sheet See Teacher’s guide for examples
DRA 2 Text Levels 28+ Levels 28+ / Comprehension Changes Major Change: Student Booklet After Oral reading - teacher reads aloud the prompts/questions and records the responses on the before reading page only: Text Features/ Predictions Student then finishes reading story and is expected to write answers to comprehension questions in student booklet No oral retelling Additional time at seat : 20+
DRA 2 Text Levels 28+ 4. Teacher Analysis - Oral Reading General rule is if there is 5 or more errors use the information from running record to fill in the chart Analyze errors Can be used for guided reading focus or daily 5 word work
Continuum Text Levels 28+ Extending Reading Engagement (Optional) Oral Reading Fluency Comprehension Circle the descriptors that best describe the student’s reading behaviors and responses. Use the running record/date on recording sheet Add up scores, circle & transfer to cover sheet See Teacher’s guide for examples
DRA 2 Continuums Fiction and Non-Fiction Continuums Not the same Change as text level expectations change Record data on front sheet DRA 2 Comprehension Frustration: 0-13 Instructional 14-18 Independent 19+
Continuums Reading Comprehension Frustration Score 0-6 89% or below Instructional Score 7-10 90-94% Independent Score 11+ 95-100% Comprehension Frustration Score 0-13 89% or below Instructional Score 14-18 90-94% Independent Score 19+ 95%
Focus for Instruction Based on text levels and needs of students Reading Engagement Oral Reading Fluency Comprehension Use for guided reading grouping and instruction
Conclusion Thoughts Questions email: