Welcome to Curriculum Night! Mrs. Custer I’m glad you’re here!
Daily Schedule Morning Work 8:15-8:25 Morning Announcements: 8:25 Snack Reading/Language Arts Specials: Lunch: Math: Science: Social Studies: Dismissal 3:15
Snack Time Students can bring a healthy snack to eat.
Student Responsibilities: Come to school ready to learn and do the best work possible. Students should write in the agenda daily. Nightly homework needs to be completed and should include studying for weekly test.
At-home responsibilities: Orange Folder Your child should be bringing home his or her Orange Folder nightly so you can review and check graded work. Spelling Words, Vocabulary Words, and the Timed Test are to be the folder to practice nightly. New lists are given out on Fridays. All D and F papers MUST be signed and returned in the Orange Folder. All informational material should also be found in this folder.
Newsletters Newsletters go home weekly. Included in the newsletters are spelling words and vocabulary definition as well as the skills of the week. Upcoming events can also be found on the newsletter.
AR Book reports On-level, AR Books Starting this week, students should earn at least one point per week. Only scores of 70 or higher will be accepted. Students must read text BEFORE taking the test. Goal: 20 fiction/15 nonfiction
Reading Incentives Superintendent's Reading Challenge: Begins on October 1st (Wednesday)! Students who read 25 books before March 2nd will receive an award from the Superintendent. The recommended books read for the challenge is 1/3 of the books should be Fiction, 1/3 of the books should be Non-Fiction, and 1/3 Student’s Choice. Also, the schools with the most students reaching the goal will receive a plaque! We want to be one of those schools!
Curriculum Expectations Moving toward Common Core Tests are more complex and challenging due to an emphasis on higher rigor. We are trying to move to a paperless system. What does this mean? 1. Students will be required to do more writing and copy down from the board more. 2. We will not use as many worksheets to teach/practice/learn skills.
Curriculum Curriculum/Textbooks Lake County’s curriculum can be found at lake.k12.fl.us in the Curriculum Department page. ELA – Wonders by McGraw-Hill Math – GO! Math by Harcourt Science – Interactive Science by Pearson Social Studies – My World by Pearson
3rd Grade is a Pass/Fail Grade State Testing What will the Florida FCAT replacement test require my child to do? Information can be found at the Florida Dept. of Education’s Website (www.fldoe.org) in the “Online Portal and Resources for the Florida State Assessments” link. https://www.teachingchannel.org/blog/2013/09/13/talking-to-parents-about-the-ccss/ 3rd Grade is a Pass/Fail Grade
State Testing Cont.
State Testing Cont. Once inside the portal, click on “Training Tests”.
State Testing Format H.O.T Text questions (higher order thinking) Multi-Select Questions: Requires students to select all applicable words or phrases. Example: Select ALL words or phrases from the text. Open Response: Text Evidence:
Daily Expectations Daily expectations for your child: Arrive at school on time. Be prepared with materials. Have a positive attitude. Eager to learn.
Classroom Expectations Show respect to others and to school property. Participate in class activities. Raise your hand to speak. Follow directions and school rules. Work hard and do your very best. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Absolutely NO BULLYING will be tolerated. Classroom Rules No talking while the teacher is talking. Listen quietly while others are speaking. Follow directions the first time given. Be respectful and polite to others. Stay seated while the teacher is talking. Absolutely NO BULLYING will be tolerated. No electronic devices allowed. If I see them, they will be taken and the parents will have to come and pick them up.
Classroom Management Behavior chart Rewards! Ticket purchases Eat Outside with Teacher Student of the Day Student of the Month Enrichment Friday
Classroom Management Cont. Consequences Work Room/Discipline during Enrichment Friday. Detention: May be given for not turning in homework as required, not returning signed papers, misbehavior/disrespect, and failure to complete class work. Saturday School: Is a possible behavior intervention if parent contact, Enrichment Discipline, and detentions have not bee proven effective.
What is Enrichment Friday? The last 30 minutes of the day, students who earn their way to Enrichment Friday may choose from one of the teacher’s activity rooms. Students who have not met the required points for the week, did not complete homework for the week, or did not complete class work for the week will be in Enrichment Discipline where students must work silently.
Checking out, absences, and tardies Please limit to as few as possible. Students are responsible for getting their make-up work and completing it within five days after an absence (checking out - next day).
Thank You For Attending If you would like to discuss your child’s grades, behavior, or have any concerns that were not addressed during this curriculum night, please sign your name on the sheet by the door and we can schedule a conference.