Media ownership Critical writing Tutorial 3 Media ownership Critical writing
Class rules Roll list – tick off own name each week Devices – use as needed for learning and research Late – if half an hour late, justify. Option to attend later class. Regular lateness will be followed up Leaving early – let tutor/group know. Again, option to attend another class
This week… Any questions before we start? Media ownership and control, regulation KWL Ownership quiz Group research Chart it Does it matter? Academic skills – critical thinking
KWL chart What do you understand from the lecture? What can you recall? Know What I think I know Wonder What I want to know What I did not understand Learn What I learned this week 10 mins
Quiz! Who owns... The Illawarra Mercury ??? Fairfax
WIN Southern NSW ??? Bruce Gordon
Facebook ??? Mark Zuckerberg
Twitter ??? CEO Jack Dorsey but many owners have a stake
Serge Brin & Larry Page / Alphabet Inc Google ??? Serge Brin & Larry Page / Alphabet Inc
HBO ??? Time Warner
Amazon ??? Jeff Bezos
YouTube ??? Google
Instagram ??? Facebook
Buzzfeed ??? Jonah Peretti
Small group activity Find out more about these companies Fairfax WIN Media Wollongong – Bruce Gordon Facebook Twitter Google / Alphabet Inc) Time Warner Amazon YouTube Instagram Buzzfeed 5 mins
Small group activity Find out more about these companies Prepare a mini report on your company Who are you? When did you start? What is your focus? What are your key features? Report back to the class How do these companies connect with each other? Map on the white board 15 mins
Group activity – two topics Yes, it does matter who controls the media, or… Increased access to information and technology means media ownership is irrelevant Working in groups, construct an argument supporting each statement. Each group member (everyone should contribute!) share with the class one key point they have found in either an article, picture or video about media ownership. YOU CAN START WITH SOME OF THE SOURCES THAT WE HAVE PUT ON MOODLE. The resources you find today can be used when you are writing your blog this week, and will help you start to think about media ownership. 30 mins
Academic skills Critical thinking On critical thinking: map/valuemap1516/criticalthinkingandwriting171015alg.pdf Look at pages 3,7,8,11 You may need to adjust your writing style depending on your purpose and audience – blogs, essays, reports…
Blog review Look at peer blogs Write your 400 word blog. Apply your knowledge gained through research and analysis to probe the issue Look at peer blogs How to give good feedback peerreview/tips.html Base feedback on Marking criteria RSD pentagon Can you help each other? 30 mins
Review KWL Is anything still unclear?
Next week Blog Task Your blog topic for this week is all about media ownership and why it matters. Who ‘owns’ and/or ‘controls’ the media you use to access your ‘news’? Why does this matter? What trust do you have in your news sources? Or if you wish: Using the information you now know – does Beyonce matter? Tutorial Next week – referencing – bring questions! Remember to complete CareerSmart & StartSmart