What to do once you know someone has been trafficked
Trafficking/ modern slavery Human trafficking: the recruitment, transportation or transfer, harbouring or receiving or exchange or transfer of control of another person for the purposes of exploiting them Slavery,servitude and forced or compulsory labour holding another person in slavery or servitude. A person knows or ought to know they are requiring another person to perform forced or compulsory labour. . Thearrangement and facilitation of these actions also constitutes an offence. This offence does not always require coercive means such as threats or intimidation to be present and it is irrelevant whether the victim ‘consented’ to any part of the action. It also does not require the victim to have been moved.
http://www. nes. scot. nhs http://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/education-and-training/by-discipline/psychology/multiprofessional-psychology/national-trauma-training-framework.aspx
Supporting Victim to Safety and Recovery Public and professional awareness Offering effective support Empowering victims to seek support they need
National Referral Mechanism : A framework for identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they receive the appropriate protection and support. ‘First Responders’ authorised agencies only can make referral to NRM police force, UKBA, Social Services, some NGOs. A process set up by UK Government to identify and support victims of trafficking in the UK. Complies with Government's obligation to identify victims under the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Human Trafficking, which came into force on 1 February 2008. The mechanism through which the National Crime Agency (NCA) collects data about victims. This information aims to help build a clearer picture about the scope of human trafficking in the UK.
Police Scotland https://beta.gov.scot/publications/human-trafficking-resources/ leaflets and posters in English, Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian, Lithuanian, Vietnamese. NES Trauma Training Resources Lord Advocates Guidelines Joint Investigative Interviews
Support to victims Reassurance to victim: Statutory support : Children: JIIs Lord Advocate’s Guidance Statutory support : 90 days Defined support
Defined support Accommodation Day to day living Medical advice and treatment Language translation and interpretation Counselling Legal advice Information about other services available to adults Repatriation if in best interests
Support for Children Child protection Scottish Guardianship Service Aberlour & Anchor Independent child trafficking guardian – ( end of 2018)
Services and Resources Adults: Trafficking Awareness-Raising Alliance (TARA ) Sexually exploited Migrant Help Domestic Servitude Labour Servitude The Anchor: Psychological trauma care