Creation of State: 4 Theories Origins of Government Creation of State: 4 Theories
What is a State? Population A body of people, Territory living in a defined space, Sovereignty with the power to make and enforce laws without having to check with any higher authority, Government and with organization to achieve this.
Creation of State How do States/Groups Develop? 4 Theories Force Theory Developed out of force Once small group claims control over an area and forced all people within that group to submit to their rule. Very dangerous a lot of bloodshed Example: American Indians were forced to submit to European rule.
Evolutionary Theory Creation of the state out of a natural growth of peoples living together. How does it happen? We’re a family. Our family is getting bigger. Now we’re a state. Happens over countless generations Clan - Tribe - State
Divine Right Theory God created the state Those of royal birth are given “divine right” to rule. One must obey a ruler as if they are God,they are an extension of God. Disobey the ruler=disobey God. Opposition was both treason and a sin. Examples: Pharaohs, Aztecs, Chinese & Japanese Emperors, English Monarchs
Social Contract Theory Developed out of voluntary act of free people. Exists to serve the people. People have sole political power Based upon the works of philosophers Thomas Hobbes, John Locke Foundation of the American system of gov’t.